Stop Acting So Tender 2/2

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Nova was currently still talking to Nia while him and Dee were still 'dating' Dee found out and she wasn't too happy about it. As of right now Nova was currently trying to tell Nia something but she just kept talking.
"Can I talk now?"Nova asked in an annoyed tone. Nia stopped talking and rolled her eyes. "I have to break up with you Nia, I can't do this anymore." "W-what? Why?"Nia wiped the tears from her eyes. "I-Im in love with Dee.."he scratched the back of his neck "So you choose that ugly bitch over me?!she's not even girly, why do you even like that?"

"She's not ugly, I like her for her.. So her style doesn't even matter to me. I'm outta here"Nova grabbed his stuff and went home. He couldn't really apologize to Dee in person. So he decided to do it over text.

Text To Baby Dee💕😍😩🔐 From Pineapple Head😁🙄🍍:
Baby Girl, I know what I did was wrong and I'm very sorry. I know I was dumb for cheating on you🙁 I'll never do it again. Now if you'll let me I wanna bring you some of your favorite stuff👌🏽  please this is how I wanna make it up to you. I understand if you don't wanna talk again.

Text To Pineapple Head 😁🙄🍍 From Baby Dee💕😍😩🔐

I guess you can come over, but if you try any of that dumb shit again both of my brothers will literally kill you. Bring a 2 liter pineapple fanta🙂👌🏽Thanks ugly.

Nova read the text and laughed then he headed off to the store. He got Dee a pineapple fanta,  a huge bag of skittles then he went to McDonald's and grabbed her a number 7 with a mango pineapple smoothie. He then went to her house and brought all the stuff to her room.


"You know..."Dee said dipping her nugget in barbecue sauce "I appreciate this alot" "Anything for you babygirl" Nova smiled and laid across her lap. She played in his hair and he opened his mouth so she could give him some skittles. She poured some in his mouth and he ate them. "DeetraNova To the top?" She asked looking at him. "Duh baby, you already know this"He sat up and kissed her, and she kissed back.

Forever DeetraNova5L


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