Part 21: Perfect Definition

Start from the beginning

"Stop it, we both know this is completely for you" I admit. Harry's family, aka Anne, his sister, Gemma, and his stepdad, Robin are all at his house right now to throw a "party" for the five of us and are waiting for us to come.

"I genuinely don't think it is, I know they all miss you too. I mean if you don't want to see them we don't have to though seriously Ari. If you see them and immediately regret it I can kick them out" he says. I think he believes I'm only agreeing to see them right off the bat to get rid of the nerves that I have, that I want to see them but am still terrified and just want to be polite. He's completely right. But it doesn't matter, I want to see them even if I'm anxious. "Seriously, they haven't seen you in months another day or so won't kill them, there's no pressure" he jokes which makes me laugh.

"Remember when we use to go months without seeing each other? As we were dating" I ask as I squeeze his hand and change the subject since maybe not thinking about Harry's family will make me less nervous.

"Yeah, I hope we never have to do that ever again" he says and I nod my head. Back when Harry was in One Direction it was almost impossible to see each other for more than a day or two every couple of weeks since they were on tour and I was working, and still am, on Saturday Night Live.

"I can't believe we made it work... I mean that was never the reason" I giggle referring to the fact that Harry and I have been off and on quite a bit but our conflicting schedules was never one of the factors.

"And now I can stay in New York for all of your shows" he says which sends goosebumps down my spine. I'm so excited, the thought is almost too much to handle. The amount of shows I've done with Harry in a completely different country, a completely different timezone sucks. I notice all the other cast and crew members with their significant others every show and it reminds me of how much fun I have when Harry's backstage, when we get to hang out in my office or at the after parties. But I would never hold it against him, everyone else is dating someone who lives in New York as well and isn't an international pop star, I guess I should know what to expect but I'm still really happy that he'll be there more often now.

"What about your job? When you write music, do performances, go on tour" I ask. I know Harry won't be able to come to every show since he has to work too and I should just be thankful for the time we do spend together but it's still in the back of my mind and I'd rather not just keep thinking about it with no input from him.

"I wanna focus on personal stuff right now. My friends, family, you" he says and I nod my head. I'm really glad to hear that.

"Oh so I don't classify as your friend or family?" I tease as he squeezes my hands. "What exactly am I to you then?" I giggle as I try my best to act offended and annoyed.

"My soulmate" he smiles as he cups my face in his hands and kisses me.


Harry's POV

"He's really excited to see you guys" Gemma jokes which makes me laugh. We were currently just hanging at my house and just noticed my step dad is fast asleep on my sofa. "Dad!" Gemma yells to try and get him to wake up but he doesn't.

"Help!" I hear Ari yell repeatedly to try and wake him up, still nothing. "Help me! Please, Ahhh" she yells as she, Gemma and I watch my step dad's face for any source of reaction, still nothing. Ari and Gemma begin to tiptoe towards him continuously yelling for help but he just remains eyes shut, laying on my sofa.

"How can he not hear us?" Gemma exclaims as she throws her hands up in disbelief as the two of them give up trying to wake him up and just sit back down by me.

"He's tired, he drove all the way over here" I hear mum say as she walks into the room.

"So he won't help anyone in grave danger?" Gemma argues with an over exaggerated dramatic tone in her voice which makes me laugh as I pull Ari up into my lap, we've been hanging out with my family for a couple of hours and she looks genuinely happy. I mean at first I could tell she was really anxious, she wouldn't admit it, I didn't ask, she didn't need to say anything, it was written all over her face. Thankfully she became much more comfortable in no time, and I know she really does like being with my family.

"You're not in grave danger" my mum rebuttals as they go on to bicker back and forth which makes Ari laugh before she looks down at me since I'm trying to comfortably sit her up on my lap. I give her a quick kiss on the cheek since no one's looking and I know she doesn't like kissing me in front of other people but I can't keep my hands off of her, and I don't want to.

"Whatever, all I'm saying is he doesn't know that!" Gemma mocks and as soon as they both stop talking my step dad wakes up.

"What are you two talking about?" he mumbles and Gemma and Ari immediately look at each other and burst out laughing as if they caught something about his mannerisms that no one else did. I don't get why they're laughing so hard but I don't care, I'm glad they've connected so well and have an actual friendship.

"Nothing, will you wake up, they're teaming up on us" my mum jokes. "It is getting pretty late, I think we should all head to bed. Especially Ari and Harry, they need to try and get to a proper UK sleeping schedule" she says and I nod my head. My family's sleeping over since they haven't seen me in a while and want to spend more time with me, and I'm excited.

"How long are you two staying anyways?" Gemma asks which tenses me up, I don't know and I don't want Ari to feel like she needs to figure that out, she can stay as long as she needs.

"Probably the whole summer, until SNL starts up again, at least I am" she says, she never told me this plan, maybe she hadn't figured it out entirely yet. But if she's telling my family she must be pretty confident with it.

"Yes! Thank goodness, you're also coming to live with me" Gemma chuckles as I throw a pillow at her for even suggesting that Ari stays with her rather than me.

"Alright Ari let's get out of here" I joke which makes everyone laugh as we all begin to get off my couches and say goodnight. I give my mom a quick hug as she heads to the kitchen to get a glass of milk and Ari and I head up to my bedroom. "Are you having a good time?" I ask her once we're finally alone and she nods her head.

"Yeah, I'm really happy" she smiles as she collapses on my bed "and tired" she giggles, it's crazy how much her smiling increases my own happiness. I haven't seen my family in so long and I love and missed them so much but nothing about today made me happier than Ari's smile. "But that's a good thing I guess, getting tired at 3 in the morning, really fixing that jet lag right up" she says sarcastically. I can't believe it's already 3 in the morning, time flies by so fast it feels like it's only been a couple hours but we've been hanging out with my family since 10am.

"Ohh thank goodness" I sigh as I collapse on the bed beside her. "Do you really want to stay here all summer?" I ask after a moment, I try and keep my voice and facial expressions as neutral as possible so Ari doesn't base her decision of anything other than how she feels personally.

"Yea, I mean if you do. If you want to leave, or for me to leave I will. But, I wanna spend time with you, I want you to be able to spend time with your friends and family, I have nowhere else to be, and I like it here. I think this is what I needed" she admits and I can't believe it. Things really are perfect.

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