How could I tell him more without spilling the whole beans? How could I tell him I had done this before, and it had not ended well? His judgment was the top of my concerns, as well as the fresh wounds. If I confessed, he might never speak to me again.

What if I play it as just two friends hanging out?

"You're too serious, Clo." Again with the Clo. "I promised to give you the night of your life, so let's get going."

He ushered me into his car without giving me the chance to protest. He was taking lead and for some reason, it made me smile. I didn't have to be in control for once after half a year. We drove for a while with small talk and smiles out the window. The radio played good songs that he hummed to, and I bit back a smile.

Yet my frown returned when the car pulled to an abrupt halt by the woods.

He must have to use the bathroom.

"I can wait in the car while you..." I cleared my throat.

Logan quirked a brow. "While I... what?"

At my blush, he chuckled and touched my chin. "I'm not taking a piss. This is our date."


"Yes, now come on." Was I really about to go into the woods with this boy in the middle of the night. The sun had fallen behind the horizon and darkness consumed the town. When I didn't move a muscle, he took me by the hand. His hand was warm and big in mine. Somehow his touch reassured any worry of him murdering me.

Then we were engulfed by tall, shadowy trees, his flashlight leading our way. Subconsciously, my fingers tightened around his and I caught that smile. He held me close to his side, helping me step over any fallen branches.

"What do you think about horror movies?"

"Depends on the movie. If it's got to do with aliens and werewolves, then it's a pass."

Logan laughed. "Yeah, me too. Ever seen Wrong Turn?"

"I heard it's lame."

Suddenly, he stopped so I crashed into him, arms cinching around his hips to keep from falling. At the look in his eyes, I knew it'd been on purpose. "Good, we can be lame together then when we watch it, babe."

Oh. He's planning another date.

"There's three movies."

I felt his hand slip under my shirt. My skin already burned under his touch. "The fourth's coming out soon, so we can binge them all in one night."

The fourth one wasn't coming out until October so that meant he planned to still be dating me then.

He was making plans for the future.

A part of me loathed him for it because of the butterflies and worry, but the other part wanted to kiss him so badly.

He took my silence as a reply for he continued our journey until we neared a clearing. When he began tugging me towards the edge, sweat broke out on my nape. Squeezing my eyes shut, I waited for the painful death.

So much for our movie night.

But the fear proved to be useless since nothing happened.

Squinting one eye open, I waited for the dread to take root, but it got replaced by a wave of joy.

I had never seen a view this stunning before.

Even my house was visible from where we stood. I knew that if he would have brought me there in the middle of the day it wouldn't have been as impressive. The streetlamps illuminated in the dark, shading the town into bliss and beauty.

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