Pool Side Relaxation

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You made your way out to the pool, knowing that you would at least find Offenderman there, but hoping to be lucky and find all four brothers hanging out there. That would definitely make your hanging out with all your Creepypasta friends goal easier. 

You walked for a little, smiling at the other Creepypastas as you made your way to the pool. You would be heading home tomorrow, and so you wanted to make the most of seeing all the other Creepypastas in one place. 

You finally made it to the pool, and turned to slight corner to where the pool was (for some reason you hade made a whole circle to get to the left side of the ship rather than just cut through the middle, a decision you regretted now as you panted and huffed to catch your breath). You were bent over, catching your breath, when you felt someone watching you. You looked up, your hands still resting against your legs, to see Trenderman looking at you from his beach chair near the pool with a book in his hands , the place where his eyebrows should be creasing. You stood back up quickly. 

" Um, hello. " You smiled casually. Trender looked at you, still frowning. 

" How long have you been walking? " He asked, clearly confused as to how far you could have been to be so out of breath. 

" Well, " you started. " I was actually in the living room place but I took a slight detour. So, maybe 5 minutes? " You answered, trailing off a little, man, you really needed to exercise more. 

" 5 minutes? " He asked, clearly ashamed. He shook his head before looing back at his book, continuing to read it. You pouted before moving closer and looking around. Slender was also on a beach chair, possibly taking a nap, although it was hard to tell since he doesn't really have any eyes. Splenorman was splashing around in the pool, giggles emitting from him as the splashes got bigger as his excitement grew. And then there was Offender. Just lying there. On a towel. You glanced at him, frowned, shrugged, and then walked to sit on a beach chair.

" Hello (Y/n). " You jumped at the sound of Slender's voice, since you had thought he had been taking a nap. You rested a hand on your chest to soothe your beating heart.

" Hey Slendy. " You turned to smile at him. You and him quickly got into a conversation about the cruise, and he seemed very excited to hear about your ' adventures ' with the other creepypastas. 

" ...but I did eventually win. " You finished your story with a huge grin on your face. 

" Wow, I am impressed. A little concerned, but impressed. "  He admitted, leaning back in his chair. Splendor had been playing by himself for about 10 minutes now, well, probably longer, but 10 minutes that you knew because you had been there. He splashed and giggled on last time before looking at you. 

" (Y/n)! Come in and play with me! " He shouted gleefully. You smiled at him, amused by his childishness before answering. 

" I wish I could, but I can't. " Splendor pouted. " I left my swimming costume in my room and there is absolutely no way I'm getting up to get it. " You finished. Splendor's pout deepened. 

" But (Y/n)! " He whined. You chuckled. 

" I'll play with you later, okay? " This seemed to satisfy him as his usual smile appeared back on his face. He quickly turned and looked at Trenderman.

" Trendyyyy, " he started, causing an annoyed Trender to look up from his book. " come play with me. " He demanded. Trender looked at him for a moment before putting his face back in his book. His ' no thank you ' barely audible over his book. Splendy huffed. He turned to his other brother, Slender.

" Slendy? What about you? " He asked bouncing in excitement, causing little waves to appear around him. Slender simply waved the thought away with a hand. Splendor pouted again and turned to Offender. 

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