On the cruise

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You were walking around the deck, the captain having said that you would be leaving in a few minutes. Your arms were resting against the railing, your whole body leaning against it. Two proxies soon joined you, squeezing you between them.

" Hey (Y/n), how are you feeling? " Masky asked, his head turned to face you. Hoodie was looking out across the ocean. You smiled at Masky before also looking at the ocean.

" Been better. " You answered simply. Masky and Hoodie shared a look above you. You pretended not to notice and just admired the view, ignoring the shivers going up your spine. Masky nodded at Hoodie before they both engulfed you in a hug. You paused momentarily.

" Uh, guys? What are you two doing? " You asked, they squeezed harder at your words.

" We kn-know you l-like hug-s when yo-u're up-up-upset. " Hoodie whispered, hugging you closer. Masky did the same. Despite not knowing them for that long, they were absolutely right although you did wonder how they got that information. You felt your body un-tense, and you let them squeeze you.

" Hey peeps, -tic- I thought we were going to have a -tic- eating competition? " Ticci Toby walked the corner and paused, looking at the scene before him. Tears had started lining your cheeks, the pain you felt coming back as Masky and Hoodie hugged you. " Oh, okay -tic- I understand. " You soon felt another pair of arms around you and laughed, shaking your head. The four of you must have stayed there for about 5 minutes when you heard someone speak.

" What the- You know what? I'm not even going to ask. " You heard Offender say before walking away. The four of you seemed to kind of wake up in a way, before all moving away from each other. You smiled at the three of them.

" Thanks guys. It really means a lot. " You smiled at each of them in turn, them, as far as you knew, returning the smile. Silence followed for a few minutes, before being interrupted by Ticci Toby.

" So, (Y/n), up -tic- for an eating competition with -tic- us? " He asked. You looked at him and grinned.

" What kind of stupid question is that? Of course I am. Bet I can beat you three again. " You taunted, heading to the kitchen area, the three boys following closely behind.

" Excuse me? " Masky asked, offence clear in his voice.

" Y-yeah, I'll let y-you kn-know that we ha-ve been pra-prac-practicing. " Hoodie spoke confidently, proudness evident in his tone. You scoffed.

" Uh huh, we'll see about that. "


You sat on a chair, unable to eat another bite. Masky, Hoodie and Ticci Toby were as equally full as you, all sat on their own chair, drowsy. You looked at your plates, all empty, with a big plate in the middle of the table, filled with waffles.

" How many did you guys eat? " You asked, holding your stomach with one hand. Masky looked up slightly.

" I ate 23. " Hoodie groaned next to him. You both looked at him, puzzled.

" Gu-guess I d-did not wi-win th-then." He sighed, shuffling in his seat. You raised an eyebrow, asking for the exact number. " I g-got the s-s-same as M-Masky. " Ticci Toby nodded, sadly.

" Same. " You opened your eyes wide, causing them to give you confused looks.

" How is it possible that we all ate 23 waffles? " You asked, surprised.

" Wait, really? " Ticci asked. You nodded and he seemed to frown. " How do we decide who wins now? " He asked. The four of you sat there in silence, pondering.

" We could continue later? " Masky suggested. You all nodded and made plans to meet back there in 2 hours.

The four of you walked away, well, Masky, Hoodie and Ticci Toby all walked away together and you were once again left to your thoughts. You hated that. Being alone with your thoughts. When you were with people you could distract yourself from the feelings you felt. You sighed, leaning back against the railing.

" The captain says we're leaving now. " You jumped and turned to see E.J. You sighed and smiled a little.

" Man, you freaked me out. " You let out a laugh, looking back at the ocean. The wind had picked up slightly, forming ripples and waves broke the surface gently. E.J leaned against the railing, his elbow touching yours. You frowned, remembering when you and Jeff had done the same.

" If it makes you feel any better, he still likes you. I think he's just paranoid. " E.J spoke softly. You could feel the wind on your cheeks, your hair swirling around, distracting you enough to stop the tears from falling.

" Thanks E.J but I'm okay. " You answered, smiling, trying to act strong. He looked at you for a moment before speaking again.

" You think you're so good at hiding things, but real friends know. I know you're not okay. You can't continue pretending you're okay. " He asked, sounding like a therapist more and more.

" So what if I'm not okay Jack? That's not going to change anything! He's not going to come back, no matter how many times I cry, no matter how many times I dream that it never happened. What's the point of showing how much I'm hurting if he's not going to come back? There's no point. He ended it and he doesn't even care about my feelings. Not once have I seen him or heard him being concerned for what he did. If he can just get rid of me like that, then what was the point? What is the point? " You couldn't hold it in anymore. You were raising your voice and tears were freely cascading down your cheeks. E.J stood there, listening to you. You stopped speaking and looked back at the ocean, sobbing. E.J pulled you to him and hugged you. You don't know how long you were in his arms, but it was a while.


You had gone to your room after eating lunch. Well, it wasn't really your room, you shared it with Jane. You threw yourself on your bed and cried yourself to sleep.

Jeff was there. You knew he was. You couldn't see him but you felt his presence. You wondered through the woods, looking for him, missing his touch. You walked for what seemed like hours before seeing him. His back was to you. You weren't sure what he was doing but you were so happy to see him. You called out to him, or tried to anyway. You couldn't hear yourself speaking but he must have since he turned around. Your heart fell. He had his arms around a girl. Her makeup and hair were clearly messed up. You shook your head and ran. You didn't know where, you just had to get away from him. You turned and saw you were back where you started. You tried running again but you always came back there. Jeff laughed at you.
" What? You really thought I'd take you back? (Y/n), I broke up with you for a reason. You didn't think I loved you, did you? " You looked away from him and the unknown girl. The girl let out a high-pitched giggle.

" Oh my gosh! She did! She thought you loved her! " Jeff laughed along with her. Tears streamed down your face and you couldn't stop them. Jeff stopped and looked at you.

" Guess you thought wrong. "

A/n - Sorry this is late.. Turns out college really does give homework everyday. Ugh. Hope you all enjoy this part, if you do, don't forget to comment and vote for this part! Hope you all have a good day/night. Love you all!

~ Abyss

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