The Fashion King Assures His Title

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You sat up on your bed and looked at Trender's back with a raised eyebrow. He turned around swiftly and threw something at you. You frowned slightly and picked it up to look at it. It was a black and white dress that stopped just above your knees. It wasn't tight, which you appreciated, and fluffed out at the bottom half. There weren't any sleeves, so it went around your neck to hold it up. There were little lines and stars on it, overall kind of cute. Trender looked at you as you studied the dress, waiting for your reaction.
" So, do you like it? " He asked you, putting a hand on his hip. You looked up at him and smiled.
" It'll have to do I guess. " You stated, nodding your head slightly. If Trender could smile, he would have.
" Good. Now put it on. " He said, looking at you. You raised your eyebrow questioningly.
" What? " You asked, confusion clouding your features. ( I'm not getting changed in front of you, if that's what you think. ) He sighed.
" Don't worry. I'm turning around. " As he said this, he turned around and sat down in front of the closet. " Okay. Hurry up and get changed. You're late enough as it is. Everyone's waiting for you. " He crossed his arms and nodded at the closet. You quickly took off your clothes, and quickly slipped on the dress.
" So... How do I look? " You asked him. He turned around, still sat on the floor, and looked you up and down.
" Beautiful. That dress suits you perfectly. " He stated, nodding at you. ( Why is he always nodding? ) You frowned in panic.
" Are you sure? " You asked, twirling around. He sighed a little.
" Trust me. I'm the fashion king. " He stated with a slight nod, crossing his arms proudly. You rolled your eyes and laughed a little.
" Whatever you say darling. " You replied, making him chuckle slightly before turning back to your closet.
" Now for the sho- Wait a minute! I forgot to do your makeup! " He exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air, perplexed he could forget something so important.
" I don't need makeup. I just want to get the night over with. " You casually got up to leave, when a hand dragged you back. You looked at him and your eyes widened slightly. It was as if the air around him had suddenly got cold. If he had a face, you knew it would have had the scariest look on it.
" I am making you into a princess, whether you like it or not. " He said solemnly. You moved back slightly. The way he was acting was starting to scare you. Only he could make someone scared by wanting to make them into a princess. You quickly sat back down on the bed and suddenly the air around him started to turn back to the way it was moments before.
" Wooh! Let's do this. " You shouted, trying to act excited to make sure he wouldn't kill you.
" Okay just go sit over there. " He pointed at a chair in front of a vanity table happily. You giggled a little at how happy he was to be giving you a makeover of sorts. You bounced up, and quickly got to where he was pointing at, before sitting down at the chair and turning to look at him. He moved over to you swiftly, before stopping and leaving the room. You frowned.
" Umm.. Okay. Am I really that ugly? " You wondered out loud. < P.s. You're not. In this and in real life. > You turned around and looked at yourself in the mirror. Your (H/c) hair fell onto your shoulders and stopped just below them. Your (E/c) eyes shined in the light and your cheeks were slightly red from when you had been under the blankets to hide from everyone. Your hair actually was still slightly messy from said blankets. Suddenly your door burst open, revealing Trender with a huge bag in his hands.
" You're going to break my door if you keep doing that, you know. " You frowned at him and the door. He shushed you and walked back to the table. He quickly put the bag down and took everything out. You stared at the contents in awe.
" I don't even know what most of this stuff is! " You shouted, flinging you arms up and frowning in despair. He looked at you when you said that, probably in disappointment.
" This, my dear, is something people call makeup. It can be very useful at times like this. " ( What the hell is that supposed to mean? ) He gestured at the makeup with one of his hands whilst looking at you. You raised your eyebrows at him.
" Are you calling me ugly? Huh? " You asked, eyes wide and eyebrows raised. He stopped rummaging through the makeup and looked at you for a long time. You got kind of uncomfortable and so kind of averted your gaze.
" No I'm not calling you ugly. What I'm trying to say is shut up, and let me make you into a princess. " He turned back around and you smiled slightly. Then you suddenly remembered something and stopped. You frowned and looked down a little. Trender turned back to you with a brush in his hand.
" So what do you- Why are you frowning? " He stopped mid sentence and asked. You shook your head a bit before answering.
" What about my foster carers? I mean I know they weren't great, and probably disliked me, but I feel kinda bad for just leaving. " You mumbled out, twiddling your thumbs in your lap. He put the brush down and kneeled down in front of you. You were still looking down at your lap, not wanting to look up at him. He gently pulled your chin up and made you look at him. You had tears in your eyes and you didn't even know why. They had treated you like you were nothing. Mostly just ignoring you, though occasionally buying you a present. You did most of the housework, and that was probably why they had fostered you in the first place. A tear escaped your eye and Trender quickly wiped it away. He looked at you and you looked back at him. Suddenly the door opened and Jeff walked in.
" Hey, Slendy wants to know if (Y/n)s ready ye- " He stopped mid sentence and looked at you and Trender. You looked away from Trender to look at him, his eyes were filled with a mix of betrayal, anger and sadness. You didn't really understand why, so you just stood up awkwardly and so did Trender. Trender looked at Jeff and then back at you. You heard him chuckle slightly before he turned back to Jeff.
" Tell Slender that (Y/n) will be ready soon. I'm just finishing your makeup. " He nodded at Jeff who growled slightly in response. ( Oh. Okay then...? ) You gave him a confused look, which he ignored before he walked out, closing the door behind him. Trender laughed and looked at you, seemingly amused. He looked back at the table and picked up the hairbrush whilst talking.
" He totally has a thing for you. " He chuckled whilst saying it and looked up at you to see your reaction. You blushed deeply and quickly sat back down in your seat. Your reaction caused him to laugh again as he quickly walked back to you.
" Why on earth would you hide under the blankets? Now your hair is a literal mess. " He picked up a strand of your hair and made a disgusted sound before dropping it back on your shoulder. ( Why does he sound disgusted? )
" But I can work miracles, which is what I'm going to do right now. " He picked up a strand of your hair again and sighed. " It really is a mess. "

A/n - Hope you liked chapter 7! Sorry it took me so long to update, but I'll try my hardest after summer to update a lot more. As usual, comment and vote if you have time and liked this part! Have a good day/night!

~ Abyss

Twitter: SuperNaturalAbyss @SPNAbyss

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