Gentle | Chapter 25

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I bowed my head slightly as I walked into the kitchen. I wasn't really sure how I was meant to act in this situation. Everything felt so much different then how it is all supposes to be. I felt like he was wanting something very different from me then normal yet he barely explained what it was he wanted for me today.

"There you are." I heard Master said in a softer tone that I wasn't used to hearing from him. I got a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach when he spoke to me like this and I can't even place what it was I was feeling.

 I didn't look up from the ground as I heard him speak, slowly walking towards the sound of his voice. Once I was in arms reach he reached out for me, grabbing my hand and pulling me to his side. He draped an around over my shoulder in a gentle manner, almost loving in his own way. I never imagine I would describe an action made by him like that. Master wasn't supposed to treat me like that, this wasn't right and I would be stupid to believe it would last any longer after this. He was probably just tricking me with this to to get me into a different head space, making hurt me more enjoyable for him. Waiting for me to get comfortable with him and then he would hurt me when I least expected it.

"Is he okay?" I heard a voice I've heard before ask. He spoke in such a soft, caring tone that was nothing like any of the other people I've been exposed to recently. It was so different I couldn't believe what I was hearing was real. In comparison to all the others the voice sounded like that of an angel. 

I looked up meeting the man's soft blue eyes. "He just gets shy around new people that's all." Master told him, seeming to be pushing asides the truth of what he knew was the reasoning behind my  seemingly fearful behavior. 

I looked over the man and he had such gentle blue eyes that I felt a sense comfort fill me as I starred into his eyes. He had black hair that came down to his shoulders and he wore a simple grey sweater and a pair of black jeans. What was a man so sweat doing in Master house?  He didn't seem like one of the normal people Master kept around him. 

Angelo nodded as he looked me over, seeming concerned with my state as I stood in front of him. He gave me a soft, reassuring smile as our eyes met once again. "I'll give you two a moment, he seems like he needs it. I'm going to go sit out on the back porch." Angelo said, mostly talking to Master at the end as he starred walking over to the doorway. 

Master let out a chuckle, something I never heard out of him before. I've never heard such a carefree sound come out of his mouth and I never thought I would either. "You sure you remember how to get there from here?" 

Angelo turned and locked at him, shaking his head with a playful smile. "Your house may be design like a maze but you out of everyone should know finding what it is I'm looking for is one of my specialties at time." He said with a sweet sounding laugh as he walked out of the kitchen, leaving us alone. I'm scared now that he's gone Master is going to hurt me, I had to have messed up somehow somewhere along the line.

Once Angelo was far enough away from us that he wouldn't hear what was being said between us I felt my body being redirected as Master grabbed my arm, putting me in front of him. I looked down at the floor as I knew I could make eye contact with him too easily which isn't something I wanted to do right now. I can't make that mistake, he had beat that into me. I felt my head being pushed up and I panicked, focusing my eyes on the floor, I wasn't going to slip up on this and this feels like he's testing me. 

"Ricky look at me." Master demanded and I slowly followed his orders. He was allowing me to look at him and I'm supposed to follow his orders. He couldn't punish me for doing that, right?

As I looked up I starred into his brown eyes for the second time today and I couldn't help but feel my heart rate pick up. His body shifted and he backed up from me a bit almost like he could feel my heartbeat and read my mind, knowing all my worries without me voicing them to him.

"I know I didn't explain much to you before but I thought you would of gotten the just of thing with what you were told this morning when I left you to get ready. Till Angelo leaves you aren't going to act like how I normally have you act. I won't punish you after for any of this either because this is what I'm ordering you to do. You won't say much unless it's necessary, you will referee to me as my name and you'll act comfortable around me at all times. Got it?" He asked me as he raised his eyebrow, waiting for a response out of me to let him know I understood the orders being given to me. 

I nodded my head in a delayed response as I took in the orders that were given to me. "I understand." I told him, making sure I was clear with what he told me. His orders sounded off to me but I knew better then to question him. That just might get him to lock me up in the basement till Angelo leaves which wasn't something I wanted even though I might find more familiarity in it then what was expected from me.

Chris grabbed my hand in his as he lead us out of the kitchen. His touch was different then anything I've ever felt from him, it was gentle and loving in it's own way and I never though I would say that in regards to him. Master wasn't supposed to be gentle with me, he made that very clear in the beginning.  

As we walked down one of the long hallways he glanced back at me. "Don't get to comfortable with this. Once he's gone you'll go back to being my obedient little slave, crawling around on your knees after me." He growled back at me. I had just been waiting for him to say something like that, it felt right to hear leaving his mouth.

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