Entertain | Chapter 22

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I  have a plot for this story thought out but I don't want this story to feel rushed. So I was wondering what you all would want to see in further chapters so I could add more to this story. I am no where close to finishing this story but I want to know now before I get to close to wrapping it up. Let me know and give me some feedback I love hearing each and everyone of you opinions. 

Short chapter but I hope you enjoy.


Master had pulled me up onto his lap as he ran his fingers through my hair. I let my head fall back against his shoulder, curling my legs up around me. I felt stranger in this position and it made me feel scared to be sitting like this. He always had me on the floor below him and even when he was affectionate it didn't feel like this. There was some feeling to this that I didn't feel come off of him before.

Even with the fear I was feeling I still felt a sense of pride of getting to this point. I had succeed on showing off what a good slave I was for my Master. I could tell he was proud of me which was a feeling I loved to have. Pleasing my Master was my job after all, it was all that should matter to me.

Master ran his fingers threw my hair in a similar manner to how you would pet an animal. I didn't mind this though, I was quite liking this attention from this. I guess some could see this as degrading but I didn't view it that way.

"Well I think I should be leaving now. I don't think my property has learned their lesson fully yet." Kuza said as he stood with a growl as he glared over at Ryan who was knelt at his feet in the potion I normally was put in. Ryan kept his gaze casted towards the ground, not even flinching when he was referred to which show that some of the basic rules were getting to him now.

Master picked me up and placed me on the ground by his feet as he stood up. "You know if he keeps it up I'm always willing to help you with him. Going further with it then before." He brought his hand down and ran it threw my hair as he paused. "This one is just to well behaved and I have some pent up anger that I need to take out on someone who deserves it. I'm not complaining over how quickly he learned though." 

Kuza let out a chuckle and he kicked Ryan as he stood up, I heard Ryan let out a wince but he seemed to be trying his best to keep quiet. It seemed strange for me to just see him take stuff like this without fighting back. For as long as I had known him he has never been this way. I think it was just the fear of everything that was getting to him right now. 

"Wouldn't mind seeing that if I'm being honest. I already know that he isn't going to stay like this for long. The little bitch can only keep himself in line for a little while till he started acting out." He gave Ryan another kick to him back, shoving him forward with his foot. "Go on and say bye to Master Chris's little toy and make it good. Maybe if I like what I see I'll go easier on you later. It's not likely that I will but I'll let you try."

Ryan bent forward, getting on to his hands and knees and crawling over to me. He seemed upset with himself for doing it which was strange for me because I just walked like that like as if it's second nature to me. I guess he's adjusting slower then I did to this. He'll see soon that this isn't as bad once you learn your place. 

He stood in front of me and got up onto his knees. He lent forward and brought his lips to my neck and he kissed up the sensitive skin making me let out a tiny groan. He stop right below my ear and he stay like that for a moment. 

"Don't give up, please. I promise we can get through this just don't give up." Ryan whispered against my skin. He made sure his voice we low enough that only I could hear him and to the other two it looked like he was still just kissing along my neck. 

 Ryan pulled himself back a bit and wrap a hand around my neck, pulling me to him at a fast pace. With that all the words he had just said went out the window as I lost my train of though that I was developing before he did that. It was like he never said those words to me now.  

Our lips connected in a way that seemed to show passion between us. Maybe it was hidden deep down somewhere in us from years of being so close to each other. In a different situation, a different life and time we might of ended up together.

I brought my hands up to the side of his face, pulling him closer to me. His tongue ran along my lip, asking me for entrance. Knowing he was the more dominate one between the two of us I let his tongue enter my mouth without the battle between us. 

Moving closer I pressed our bare chest together and I groan softly against him lips. He ran his hands along my bare chest in a teasing manner that made me lean into his touch. The kiss was sloppy but passionate which made it the most entertaining for both of our Masters to watch, there was just something to it.

We were both so caught up in our kiss that I don't think either of us even heard Kuza walk over to us. We only paid any attention to it when he wrap a hand in Ryan's hair, pulling Ryan up and away from me, taking his lips off of mine. He let out a wince and I let a gasp from the lose of his touch. I knew they were both amused by that and I didn't even need to hear it from them to know that. 

Kuza pulled on Ryan until he fell back onto his hands and knees again. He knelt down in front of him and attracted a chain leash to the front of Ryan's collar. He didn't fight him what so ever. I could already see the spark that made him who he was is gone from him. I didn't know how to feel about seeing that. 

"Do you want me to walk you out?" Master ask Kuza as he stood up with Ryan's leash in his hands. He walked in front of me, blocking the two of them from my view. Not liked it mattered if I could see them or not, I was just an object essentially to him. 

"It's fine. I can find my way out of here. I'll let you know what goes on with this one. I know I'm going to have to take you up on that offer at some point. It's to good to turn down." I heard Kuza said to Master with a smirk. 

The two of them finished saying their goodbye before Kuza and Ryan left. I couldn't help but glance after them as they left. I was worried that this would be the last time I would see Ryan and I was trying my best to take a mental picture of him, even if this isn't how I would really want to remember him.

Once they were out of the room and possibly half way down the hallway Master sat back down on the couch. He pulled me over to him and I sat on my knees at his feet as he ran his fingers threw my hair. I wished he would of let me sit on his lap again, I guess I'll just have to wait to get to feel that again. 

I slowly lent into his touch, scared that I wasn't supposed to do this. He didn't responded negatively to me which made me relax very quickly. I didn't want that to be the reason I would of gotten punished. I had been so good today I can't ruin it with something so small. 

I hope I can keep myself in line for the rest of the night. I don't want this to end, I liked being treated like this. If I would of known that all I had to do is behave to get here I would of started off like this.

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