Slave | Chapter 15

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He had for sure thought of a new way to get his rules through my head and it just seemed like every new idea he had just kept getting worse for me. I think I should just start listening to whatever my Master tells me to do. This would be the easiest thing for me to do and it would be better for him.

He had brought me down the stair like nothing had happened which had kind of scared me. I knew something was coming but he wasn't giving me any sigh to what it was. He wasn't even acting like he was going to punish me. 

He had brought me into a different room then any of the other rooms I have seen. I swear this place has so many rooms in it that I will never even get to see the half of them in here. It was astounding to think about. 

This room appeared to be some form of a study since it had multiple book shelves lining the wall throughout it and a desk that was centered by the back wall. There was a red, velvet, Victorian area looking chair and couch in the middle of the room with a black damask patterned carpet under them. The was a red toned coffee table in front of the couch as well.

He had set me in the center of the room by the furniture, shoving my face down into the carpet and telling me to stay just like that. He walked away and I could hear him grabbing things and setting them down behind me. I was nervous as to what he was planning to do with me but I made no effort to look back. I knew it would only get worse if I did. I would be going against my Master orders.

He told me keep my eyes closed as he bent my arms so I was propped up on my elbow and he wrap tape around my arms so I could not change my position from this. He did the same thing with my legs but putting it so it was my knees I was balancing on. I felt like I cold fall over now that my stance was all relied on my elbows and knees.

"You can open your eyes now slut." He said as he walked around in front of me and picked up the end of my leash. I kept my gaze on the ground unsure of what he wanted from me. There was no way I could move like this. Could I? Was that what he was expecting from me now? 

Chris start to move in front me and I held my ground in fear of moving. I would just end up falling over, I had no sense of balance like this. He turned back and I could feel the glare he was giving me without even looking at him. He pulled once more on my leash in a warning to me. 

"Start crawling or you are going to regret it. You already got yourself into this amount of trouble, don't make it worse on yourself bitch." He spat at me and I quickly start to move behind him, well as quickly as I could move like this. 

He had me walk like this around the room a few times and every time I would almost loss my balance he would laugh at me. I could also hear the humor in his voice when he would taunt me by the pain I was in. 

He eventually came to a stop in front of the Victorian looking chair that to me kind of reminded me of a throne in it's own way. He sat down on the chair and he moved me so my one side was facing the chair. I had no clue why he would of done this until I felt him place his legs onto of my back. I had become a footstool to him now, he was taking the whole objectifying thing he does to me one step further and I couldn't do anything about.

He sat like that for a while and I could feel all my limbs starting to shake. I wanted to fall to the ground but I couldn't . He wouldn't be please with me if I did that. I had lost track of even how long he had me stay like this. It felt like time was dragging on so slowly due to the discomfort I was in.

"You know if you were better behaved I wouldn't be treating this harshly. I sort of wanted a pet when I bought you but if you aren't going to listen to me I don't mind treating you as a slave." He said in a bored sounding tone, breaking the silence that filled the room. I swear before he spoke you could of heard a pin drop in this room. 

He pressed his legs down on my, making it feel like he was putting all of his body weight into them. It was making it more difficult for me to stay like this. "Do you like being treated like this, slut?" He ask me in a fake pity filled voice.

"If it's what you want from me, then yes Master." I said in response. For some reason all of these responses I had seemed to be lingering in the back of my mind. It didn't even make sense to me how that came about. Most of times it wasn't even what I thought I wanted to say to him.

"Good. It looks like you're learning. I swear some of you get yourself into this. None of you understand that if you behaved things would be easier for you. This does keep you in line though and I like seeing you squirm." He said as he removed his legs from my back. He had kicked my side as he went to place them on the ground. I know that wasn't something he had done accidentally.

He stood up and moved behind me. I had no clue what he possible could be going to do now but I knew I couldn't fight it. I belong to him, he bought me and I couldn't deny him of doing what he wanted with his property.

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