New Needs | Chapter 23

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It's been a while since I updated this story. If any of you have anything you want to see it in tell me because I want to add a few more parts before I start bringing in a few big plot points. Hope you enjoy.


Master seemed to be pleased with me still yet I wasn't fully sure if that was true. I could of still done something wrong and he was just waiting for me to get comfortable with him to then in force my punishment from whatever tiny mistake I had made at some point today. He rarely ever did that from what I've noticed but I had a feeling that was something he would want to do to me to get his point across. I don't think I've made any mistakes today though, I guess I'm going to figure that out soon.

I sat next to my Master on the couch well he went over some work on his laptop. Well I assume he is working on something anyways. I didn't bother looking at it or asking about it because it wasn't my place to but into it. 

I felt weird not being on the floor below him. Being aloud to sit on the furniture was strange after he had been so clear with me that I wasn't aloud to sit like this. It didn't feel right anymore to be here, I had to earn this right  and I didn't feel like I had done that. 

I at first I was thinking this was a test and he was seeing how easy I would break one of his rules that he had try so hard to drill into my brain since the beginning. He assured me that it wasn't after he saw how fearful I was to move up next to him. I got why he let me do this when the other two were here because he was stating a point to Ryan that I was a good slave and he wasn't but I didn't think his gentleness would continue past that. 

I was sitting on my knees with my arms behind my back as I kept my posture straight. My leash was still caught on my collar and it rested by my Master leg just out of arms reach of him. I think he was still fearful of me trying to run away or do something he wouldn't like me doing. I guess this was his way of keeping me in line. I think with me seeing Ryan here today it was making him think that it would have a bad effect on my behavior. 

I was looking down at the couch, not wanting to get myself in trouble by my eye line going in the direction it shouldn't be going in. I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't even notice him pulling lightly on my leash to catch my attention until I started to come back to reality. 

I jumped slightly in fear, scared that I had kept him waiting too long and this was going to be his breaking point with me or maybe he was just now going to in force what ever rule I had broken earlier that he had to punish me for now that I had done this and it set him off. 

"Sorry Master." I mumble under my breathe, showing remorse on my face. I was hoping he was seeing that I regretted my mistake and already knew what I had done wrong. Maybe this would help soften the blow of whatever he chose to do to me to enforce his rules.

He stayed silent and I could feel him looking me over, possible debating over how he was going to deal with me. "That's fine. I'll look past your mistake this time since you've been so good for me today but don't you dare do it again. When I want your attention I expect it right away like the good slave I know you are." He told me and I felt myself immediately relax as I knew he was aware that I knew what I did wrong.

He stood up with the leash in his head, giving in a small tug to signal me to get down and onto my hands and knees to follow him wherever he was planing on going. I quickly followed him, not needing him to verbally tell me what he wants from me. I had learned everything he needed from me and I followed him so well. I crawled after him as quickly as I could, trying to keep up. I knew he would drag me down the hall if I couldn't move fast enough for his liking and then he wouldn't be happy with me after. 

When we got to the stairs I let out a few small winces as it hurt my body to move like this. I try to keep them quiet and unnoticeable as I didn't want him to think that I was complaining. This was such a small thing that he wanted from me and I wouldn't complain over this. It wouldn't be worth it and it wouldn't change anything.

Master was being so silent since the other two left and it made me question everything. He didn't always talk to me, he rarely did if I was being honest with myself. Maybe this was because I was being good today. He didn't feel the need to remind me of what I'm here for or pointing out the mistakes I made or to degrade me for his own amusement. That thought made me feel better about everything that had gone on today.

Pulling on my leash rougher he brought us into his bedroom and he removed the leash from the front of my collar as he let it fall to the floor without a word to me. He made his way over to this bed and without a second thought I moved over to the corner of the room that I had been put to sleep in the last few he had let me in here at night. I was just thankful for not being put in the basement for the night. It was warm up here, sleeping on the floor didn't matter to me anymore, it wasn't that big of a deal. This was where I belonged now. 

"What are you doing?" I heard Master ask me as I had my back turned to him. His voice was more gentle that I would expected from him if I was in trouble because I wasn't meant to move which was strange to hear from him. He never spoke to me with such a gentle tone before. 

"I'm sorry Master I shouldn't of moved without your permission." I told him as I shifted up. I just wanted him to get my punishment over with. Hopefully I didn't ruin my chance of sleeping up here where it was warm. After all I had done for him I didn't want to have to go to the basement now. I would understand why he would do it if he did though. 

Master let out a chuckle which sounded so out of place coming from him when he wasn't inflecting pain on me. "That's not what I meant. Come up here and sleep with me, you've been such a good pet for me today." The term "pet" wasn't a term he had used for me in a while, I guessed I had earned that back.

I slowly crawl over to his bed and got up on it. Every movement I made was filled with hesitance. I was just waiting for him to snap and punish me for this. He never allowed this from me before. I felt so out of place here that I didn't even know where to go. I sat up on my knees on the bed, looking downwards as I waited for him to give me some guidance that I knew I needed from him. 

I think he could see that I didn't know what to do and he pulled me down next to him, wrapping his arms around me. As much as I wanted to move away from him I didn't. If he need me to lay like this with him I would. He had me here to fulfill his needs no matter what my thoughts on them are. I'm not expecting this side of him to last long though.

Locked Away | Cricky (Editing)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora