Learning | Chapter 14

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He pulled me up the stairs and to the room I was in prior to when he brought me downstairs. This time around I wasn't as lucky as I was before and he didn't let me walk up the stairs. I did struggle a lot but I tried to compose myself before he noticed in fear he would get angry at me for messing up. I wasn't going to complain to him because I was just grateful he didn't force me down to the basement again. Though I do have a funny feeling that won't be the last of seeing it.

He pulled my close to the bed but still on the floor. He drop the leash and came up behind me. He pulled my head back by my hair before shoving me forward. I quickly got up to my knees again and straighten myself out.

"What are you to call me?" He ask in a growl. His calm attitude from before was far gone. He wasn't going to be understanding on this subject but then again why would he need to be?

"Master. I'm to call you Master." I said in a clear tone that didn't come louder then a whisper.

He kicked my side harshly and I let out a wince as I tried to hold myself up. I knew if I fell he would only get rougher with me.

He let out a huff and sat down on the edge of the bed, facing me. He crossed his arms and straighten his back to make him look even more imitating.

"Stroke yourself for me." He said gesturing his head in my direction. This wouldn't sound as much of a punishment If we would of taken the cock ring off before but he didn't.

I took in a gulp of air before I brought my hands down to my cock. I let out a quiet whine from how sensitive I was. Just the feeling of skin to skin contact was difficult for me. I fought past it and started to stroke myself slowly. I let out a pained moan but kept going in hopes that he was enjoying this. 

"You can go faster then that, slut. Come on, be a good boy and I'll think about taking it off." he said to me and I could hear the smirk in his voice. He was enjoying every moment of this. 

I moved my hand faster, bouncing myself up and down in the process. "Please Master take the ring off, please Master." I plead with him as it was becoming too much for me. I already knew that what I wanted didn't matter here, it was up to my Master what should be done with me.

He let out a chuckle and came over to me and slip it off before standing back up and starring down at me. "Cum, whore." He said to me flatly. I don't know what it was but I felt as if even he had taken it off I don't think I would of came if he didn't say that to me. I need his approval for whatever it is I do. 

I let go and I felt my cum land on my hand and I saw some of it land on the floor. I don't think he is going to be too happy with me about that. "Thank you for letting me cum Master." I told him after I had calmed down enough too.

He said nothing back to me but he placed his hand on the back of my head and he shoved me back a bit before pushing my face into the ground. "You made the mess so you clean it up." He snarled at me and it took me a moment to understand what he wanted but when I got it I wanted so badly to deny him. I couldn't do that, he wouldn't be pleased me if I did that. 

I stuck my tongue out a licked up my cum from the hard wood floor. He brought his hand down again once it was all gone and pulled me up by hair. My tongue was still out. I was so surprised of him doing that and there was still some of my cum left on it that I had just wipe up.

 "Leave that tongue out." He growled at me as I was about to put it back in. He smirk at me before he stuck his hand under my jaw, motioning for me to close my mouth. "Swallow it, whore." As much as I wanted to spit it back on to the floor I didn't, knowing that he wouldn't be pleased with me. 

He smacked the side of my face and it was such a powerful blow that my head turned side ways. Without a complaint to him I turned back and lowered my gaze to the floor."Cum slut." He mumble down at me before walking away and I heard him going through things on the other side of the room. I wanted to look up and see what he was up to but I was too scared too. It wasn't something I would be aloud to do.

He came back over and I heard a loud bang as he drop something down to the floor. It fell so it was far out of my view to be able to see it.

"Get on your hands and knees. " He order before walking behind me. I quickly lowered myself to the ground. He grab the back of my arms and pulled them out from under me causing me to face plant onto the floor. He took a rope ad wrap it between both of my wrists and brought it up both of my arms, binding them together. I turned my head sideways so I was starring off onto the far wall. 

He slowly stared to pull out the butt plug he had put in me before roughly shoving it in again. I let out a wimpier, wishing he would use me. I couldn't believe I was thinking like this but it was like I was driven crazy with need and there was no denying it.

"Aw does the little whore want a cock in his ass." He taunted at me and I let out a loud whine. "Speak." He demeaned of me.

"Please fuck me Master. Please." I begged desperately. I wanted nothing more then to feel him fill me.

"I don't think you have been well enough behaved for me but I'll leave that in there, at least you can get to feel full still. I have something else in mind for you." He said as he trailed what felt like a thine long stick along my lower back. This isn't going to go well for me I can already tell.


He had whipped my repetitively with the cane and I was positive he had broken skin. He had left me in this room and he left the ties on my arms alone but he had added more on. He had tied my legs together in the same manner and he took the what remained of both of strand of rope and tied them together before attaching it to something that was on the wall . Making me stay here and unable to move.

I somehow was able to sleep like this. He had given me permission to when he had come back to go to sleep himself. I was uncomfortable but I was grateful that he let me sleep up here where it was warm.

I woke up to hush talking over the phone which I was positive I wasn't supposed to hear. I was just surprised he was letting me sleep so long but then again it could be just because he wanted to make that call. I'm sure I won't be able to just lay here for much longer so I will enjoy it well I can. 

I just laid there with my eyes closed, just listening to him talk. Hopefully this will help me understand everything a bit better. I'm aware though if he catches on to what I'm doing this won't end well for me.

"He's a stubborn that's for sure. I swear I think I'm just starting to make a dent in that little thick skull that whore has." I heard Chris say over the phone. I couldn't hear the other person but I didn't need anymore reassurance that he was talking about me.

He stayed silent for a little bit, probably listening to what the other person had to say. "I'm working on it. A bit more manipulation and he should function how I wanted him to." He fell silent for a moment and I could feel his eyes on me. "I think I have to go, the little slut is being dishonest with me." He said and I felt my heart stop knowing I was caught. 

I heard a loud clank as he all but slammed his phone down on the dresser that was near me. I heard him walk over to me and he just stopped there. I said silent, not moving at all. It was like I was playing dead to get him to leave me be. The only issues here is he isn't a wild bear and he couldn't give a shit if that was what I was doing. This was possibly what he liked from me anyways.

"You think I'm stupid, don't you?" He said as he bent down and pulled me up a bit by my hair. I let out a cry as all my muscle were tense and I couldn't move that far from how he how me tied. 

He let out a chuckle at my response before dropping me back down. Because I couldn't catch myself I landed flat on my face. "Aw is the whore in pain? Good. Why would you even think you could out smart me? I know everything you do. Nothing goes unnoticed by me."

"I'm sorry Master. I didn't want to disturb you." I said to him, hoping my respect would soften the blow of what he had planed for me now.

"Don't lie to me. Lying will only get you in more trouble." He spat at me. "I think have some plans for you so I can get that through to you." I could hear the smirk as he spoke. I guess once again I should of listen to his rules.

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