i applied a strip to david's leg and he looked at me with fear in his eyes. "ooohhhh nooo." he yelled, watching me apply the strip.

"i haven't even asked a question yet!" i laughed, looking at him with wide eyes. david let out a nervous breath and laid down on his back. "ok david, we'll start off easy. what are my parents names?"

"uhm uhm." david thought, getting a little stressed out. i put my hand on the end of the strip, getting ready to rip it off. "don't pull that, i know the answer."

"you better know their names, we deadass had lunch with them last week." i readjusted myself under his legs, rubbing them gently to calm him down.

david thought for a few more moments before screaming. "leah and connor! yeah leah and connor riddle."

i acted like i was going to rip it off and i watched david's body tense up. i smiled and looked down at my phone for a new question. "good job, i was going to be mad if you didn't know that." david propped himself up on his elbows at looked over at me. "what am i majoring in this fall?"

david jumped up a little. "acting! i know that one!" i glared at him and didn't hesitate to rip the wax strip off. david screamed and instantly grabbed the spot that was now bare. "what do you mean i'm wrong?"

"i'm majoring in business, although i do wanna do acting. i'll give you points for at least knowing that." i laughed, looking down at the spot that was waxed. "why do you have such nice legs what the?"

david laughed and kicked his leg a little. "ask the next question i want this over with."

i applied another strip and looked for another question to ask. "how many siblings do i have and what are their names?" i smiled over at david and rubbed the strip.

"you have a younger one and his names seth." david flinched, moving his leg off of me.

"that's correct, i need to start thinking of harder questions." i pursed my lips and tried to think of new questions.

"no you don't, stop i like the easy ones." david laughed and sat up. he wrapped his arms around me, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"acting like a baby isn't going to help you in this situation." i laughed and patted his cheek. "what did my parents call me growing up?"

"how am i supposed to know this, we have never talked about it." he laughed again, stressed out. "just rip it off."

"david, we've talked about it because allanii called me it in front of you. i'm so glad you listen to me." i ripped the wax off and put my hand over top. david screamed and squirmed a little. "it's baby rinley anyways next."

"look how smooth my legs are, is this why girls do it all the time?" david sat back up and felt the pieces that were hairless.

"anyways, if i have a girl in the future, what would i name her?" i looked over and scrunched up my nose. "you can't tell me we didn't talk about this because i even know the answer for you."

without hesitation, david answered with confidence. "tessa and i said i wanted to name my girl tess." he smiled at me, moving my hand off the strip.

i put my hand over my heart and pouted my bottom lip. "you really do listen, wow. probably better than toddy. we'll do one more question because this is getting tiring." i chuckled and locked my phone, throwing it on the floor. "when's my birthday?"

"august sixteenth." david moved his leg off of me and moved his body up to sit next to me.
i gasped and opened my mouth, staring at him. "no way i got that wrong don't give me that look." he pushed my shoulders gently.

"my birthdays october sixteenth what the fuck david." i acted hurt and ripped the strip off quickly, getting a scream out of him. "i was hyping you up and you don't even know my birthday!"

"i'm sorry, you know i know it." david tackled me into a hug and i squirmed underneath him. "i'll get you food to make up for it."

i laughed, pushing him off of me and my bed. "that's what i thought." i got up and stopped recording the video. david and i cleaned up the mess we made before we plopped down onto my bed, reaching for blankets and the remote. "can we please get japanese food?" i turned the tv on and changed it to netflix. i flipped through the options, trying to figure out what to watch.

"brinley, that's what you always want." david laughed and pulled out his phone so he could order the food for the both of us.

"japanese food is better than chiptole and it actually delivers, but please keep complaining." i joked around, laughing quietly. i pulled a blanket over my body, cuddling it as i clicked on an episode of the office for us to watch. david laid next to me, contently watching the episode. half way through the second episode, our food showed up and david went to go pay for it. while he was out by the front door, i quickly changed into a sweatshirt and shorts and sat down on the bed once again. david set the food down next to me as i was running my fingers through my hair. "we do this way too much, but thank you." i smiled and laid on my side, opening up the boxes.

"we really do, i feel like i never get vlog footage with you." he shook his head and grabbed a fork and a box full of food.

i rolled my eyes playfully. "that doesn't stop people from shipping us though. it was definitely the body shots that got our shippers talking." i laughed and took a bite from the rice.

david ate some of his food and looked up at me with a smile on his face. "so you're happy with kian right?"

i smiled wide, looking down at the rice that i was playing with. "yeah, kian's the first guy i actually wanted to date so that must mean something." i laughed quietly and finished up my food.

"looks like we're done kissing for clickbait." david joked, finishing up his food as well.

i rolled my eyes and laughed again. "they'll somehow make us do something for clickbait and you know it." i let out a breathe and smiled. i cleaned up the mess and took it into the kitchen. i ran back into the room and jumped onto my bed. i hugged david who was laying down, scrolling on his phone. i rested my head on his chest. "crazy to think how close we are. even though you don't listen to me, it's good to have you around." i talked quietly.

david chuckled a bit and pushed a strand of hair out of my face, smiling. "i know i'm the best."


this chapter was so boring & such a filler yikes im kinda sucking at this whole writing thing but the next chapter will have some drama you're not even ready for it oooohh ok thank u sm for the 10k+ reads it really means a lot to me! keep commenting i love knowing your guys' reactions haha i promise the next chapter will be better ok thanks for reading this mess!

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