Part 19: He Did What

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"HE HIT HER??" I exclaim, still in pure shock. I watch as Amy's mouth drops open and now I realize it's true, and she thought I knew that. It all makes sense now too, why Ari didn't wanna talk about anything, why she flinched when I touched her! I am such an idiot! I wait for Amy to say something as a huge amount of anger begins to boil inside me but all she does is look past me eyes wide open. I turn my head as well to see what she's looking at and realize that Ari has walked back out of her bedroom and is now standing, completely frozen as well.

Before I can even fully process what's going on, I feel myself rush towards the door, I can't wait for Ari to come up with some sort of explanation, some sort of lie to cover this up, I just need to do something.

"Harry! Stop where are you going?" I hear Ari yell as she grabs my arm and tries to stop me. I want to just continue trying to storm out the door but something also makes me wants to stop and say something to her.

"I don't want to hear it Ariana! I don't wanna hear another lie or excuse, why didn't you tell me about this?" I yell and almost instantly regret it but I'm so angry, I can't help but yell. Besides, maybe all this pent up anger is good, I usually try and not yell at Ari even when I'm feeling frustrated and maybe she'll get the message this time that she really shouldn't keep things from me. I don't want to hurt or disrespect her but right now I can't think of anything else to do but yell so I just have to get out of here, I have to find Ricky, I have to fix this.

"Harry, stop please don't leave me, I'm sorry, please let me explain" she pleads as tears form in her eyes and now I'm more heartbroken and angry as ever.

"Ari I'm not gonna leave you are you crazy" I exclaim, I can't believe she thought that I was gonna break up with her over this. I actually wanna be there for her more than ever.

"Then where are you going? Just stay here, we can figure it out together" she begs as her grasp on my arm tightens but she's still not strong enough to hold on to me and I easily pull away.

"I'm gonna go fucking find Ricky!" I exclaim, as I head for the door again saying it out loud makes me realize exactly what I'm doing and it feels good. All I want to do is beat the living shit out of him.

"No! Harry stop just let it go, please just let it go!" She begs as she tries to grab my arm once again.

"Ari I'm not gonna let him get away with this, someone has to fucking teach him a lesson!" I yell back, my heart starts racing and I feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins. I don't know where the hell that douchebag is but he better hope I can't find him. I race to the door and just as I open it the door shuts right before me and I see Ari lean her whole entire body against the door. "Ari get out of the way!" I frown as the tears roll down her face. Why the hell is she crying? Why doesn't she want me to do this?

"No, Harry! Fuck that guy who cares?! Don't stoop to that level don't bring that guy back into my life! Please, please, don't bring him back into my life! If you want to help, help me! I need help!" She pleads and don't think I've ever felt so hurt before in my life. I feel tears begin to form in my eyes, she's been through much, she's kept so much to herself, she needs me to be here right now, not running around out in the streets full of rage.

"I-I'm so sorry Ariana, I'm here for you. I promise" I say as I pull her in to give her a hug, I feel her cry into my chest and I rub her back to try and cool her down. I have a lot of questions and I don't know how I'll approach it but I know right now isn't the right time. "It's okay Ari, it's over now. It's all over" I say trying to calm her. I'm gonna make sure she never has to talk to Ricky ever again and I hope she never has to try and keep anything from me ever again. After only a moment I feel Ari pull away from me as she wipes the tears from her face. "Are you good?" I ask and she nods her head.

Case Closed (Hariana | H.S & A.G)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora