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I woke up to my everyday alarm, also known as Faith.

"Wake up!" She whispered, shaking me back and fourth.

"Faith, what do you want?" I groaned, barely sitting up.

"You need to get ready for your interview with the boys!" She squealed excitedly.

I looked out at the window which was displaying very minimal sunlight into the room. It felt like when you wake up really early in a hotel room when everyone else is asleep. In this case, nobody was asleep.

I reached for my phone and pulled the charger out which made it decide to fall on the floor.

"Oh, c'mon." I grunted, exhausted.

I reached for my phone, picking it up and hitting my head on the nightstand in the process.

"Fuuuuudge." I sighed in pain, squeezing my phone tightly to release the pain.

6:49 am


"Faith, why on earth did you wake me up so early?" I asked, turning my body over to look at the anxious 13 year old standing anxiously next to my bed.

"Cuuuuzzz, you don't have alot of time." She smiled, trying to make up for the fact that she knew she woke me up to early.

"What do you mean? I have 6 hours!" I scoffed, letting myself fall back on the bed.

"Exactly!! 1 30 minute shower, I will shampoo and condition your hair one extra time when you get out which will take 10 minutes. Breakfast which will take 20 minutes which includes Logans long vlog intro. 40 minutes to play with Kong. Then, we need to find you an outfit, which will take about an hour. Get dressed, 10 minutes and meet up with the boys, and go to the interview which will roughly take 50 minutes!!" She said, justified.

"And what about the extra 2 hours and 20 minutes??" I asked, intrigued by her entire idea.

"Oh that? That was just me waking you up because I was alone." She smiled and jumped onto her air mattress, pulling out her phone.

"Well, then let me go to sleep for two hours!" I told her, laying back down and fixing my blanket that was ruffled by my movement.

I felt cold water being sprayed onto my face.

"FAITH!!" I yelled, shooting myself up.

I saw her holding a pink spray bottle filled with water that was so cold that it caused small water droplets to drip down the plastic bottle slowly.

"Be with your sister!!" She commanded, jumping onto my bed with her phone.

We sat on our phone for a few hours until we could hear Logan yelling his vlog intro from outside our door. He barged in the room, hoping we were awake.

"WAKE UP Y/N AND- Oh Jesus you're awake!" He said in shock, not expecting us to be awake.

"Hi there!" I waved to the camera, trying to hold in my laughs.

"YOU NEED TO GET READY!!" Faith yelled at the top of her lungs, throwing her phone down on the mattress and jumping off of the bed.

She grabbed my wrists and dragged me to the bathroom.

"30 minutes!" She reminded me, tossing me my phone and shutting the bathroom door.

"PUSHY!" I yelled through the walls.

"You got no idea sista!!" She yelled back as I heard her footsteps exit the room.


Trust Me- A Zach Herron fanfiction ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora