First Kiss

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Zach's POV

All I know is that she will be going back to Ohio, and I will be left here.
I am royally boned this time.

Daniels POV

Me and all of the guys saw Zach googly eyeing over Y/N for a very long freaking time.

"Yo, what is wrong with him?" Logan asked.

We were a good few yards away so Zach couldn't hear us.

"He has a thing for Y/N." I told him, nobody was suprised.

"No, Zach has a thing for pancakes. This is not pancakes." Jack said.

"No kidding though, I have never seen him act like this." Jonah said.

"Wait, aren't Y/N and Faith going back to Ohio soon?" Corbyn asked, moving his eyes from Zach to Logan.

"Y/N is staying, but I have no idea about Faith." Logan told him.

"They clearly like each other. They look like they just walked out of a cringe af Disney movie." Logan laughed.

"Maybe we should do something about it." Jack smirked.


I checked my phone and now it was 9:32am but it was BURNING outside.
I put sunscreen on and as I was putting the bottle back down on the ground, Faith shoved me in the pool.

Zach was right next to the edge of the pool and I basically was launched right on top of him and we both got shoved under water.

I know this was no accident on Faiths part.

Zach got up and helped pull me out of the water.

"Thank you." I said when I was able to breathe again.

"You okay?" He asked sincerely.

"I think." I laughed.

"Faith, what was that?!" I asked, trying to be mad at her, but to be honest, I kinda found it really funny.

"I tripped." She giggled.

"Tripped my butt." I grunted.

I splashed Faith in the face with alot of water. Alot more than I thought I could take.

"Now we're even." I said justified.

"You guys are mean." She whined, spitting the leftover water out of her mouth.

"Hey, I didn't do anything!" Zach said, holding his hands in the air, surrendering to Faith.

I looked at him and laughed.

"You're right, you haven't done anything." I smiled.

I splashed him in the face too, messing up his hair, so that it flopped over his face.

"What was that for?" He asked, wiping the water out of his eyes.

"Like I said," I began. I moved his hair out of his face so I could see his eyes.

"For not joining the fun." I laughed.

We stood there, looking at each other for a second, but this time, it didn't feel awkward. The look in his eyes made me feel so safe and happy.
Feelings I have been able to feel when I am around him.

"What should we do now?" Logan asked. Me and Zach looked away from each other.
Logan had a talent at being really good at finding ways to interrupt this... I don't even know what to call it, between me and Zach.

Trust Me- A Zach Herron fanfiction ✓Where stories live. Discover now