The Beach!!!

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Mike's POV;
We get to my room and I closed the door immediately lifting her onto my torso and pushing her up against the nearest wall. "Are you gonna kiss me or just tease me?" She questions referring to the fact I have yet to capture her lips in mine. "Well if you missed me so much?" I move my lips to her ear and whisper, "kiss me first, I'll even leave control in your hands." I then nibble at her ear before she grabs both my cheeks with her hands and moves my face so I'm facing hers. A moment later her lips are consuming mine and she's trying to deepen the kiss, I don't allow it just to feel her pout against my lips. I feel her move as I can only assume an idea popped into her head as she nibbles at my bottom lip. Something I didn't expect so I parted my lips to gasp, giving her enough time to slide her tongue into my mouth and explore. Trust me when I say she didn't leave one place untouched by her tongue in my mouth. I pretended to fight for dominance over the kiss and eventually let her win. When she smirked in victory I grabbed her bottom lip between my teeth and nibbled just enough to get the moan I wanted "oh Mikey oh god..." she breathed out against my lips, it was just enough for little Mike to come to attention. "Hi there big guy." She said giggling as my manhood popped up hitting her butt, which was already situated on my hips. "Maybe if you weren't so good at moaning my name little Mike wouldn't feel the need to show himself." I replied chuckling into her neck. "Did you call him big guy?" I added as an after thought. "You aren't small Mike." She said batting her eyes at me. "How the fuck would you know?" I questioned getting angry rather than taking the compliment.

"Do we have to talk about this right now Baby? Can't you just keep kissing my neck?" She asked eyelashes batting. "No, I was your first D so who the fuck do you have to compare to?" I said putting her down, little Mike going back into hiding. "A lot of guys... I've seen Vince's and Jackson's up close and personal and I've see most of the guys at football, because trust me compression shorts don't hide shit." She said and I got even more pissed off I mean I understood what she was saying about the compression shorts but, Vince's and Jax's up close? "What the Fuck? When?" I questioned, I'm sure a vain popping out if my forehead and little Mike completely gone. "Jax was completely on accident, he was showering in the bathroom and I ran in to grab something at the same time he was getting out, we were both petrified and decided not to talk about it again. And I dated Vince for a year you really think I never saw him naked?" She replied. "I thought you said you two never did anything? Has he seen you naked? Have any of the guys?" I questioned, hoping, praying the answer was no. "Almost all the guys have seen me in my underwear, just because none of you know how to knock and I hate pants. But only You and Vince have seen me in less." She replied and before I could get any angrier she continued, "Vince only saw me without a bra I still had my panties and we never did anything but we got close a couple of times, I always ended up thinking of, anyways I always ended up shutting him down." She finished and I was a little calmer, I still hated this conversation but at least I knew. "Wait what did you always think about and why weren't you thinking about it with us?" I questioned genuinely intrigued. "You god damnit, you. I always thought about my feelings for you and how I wanted you to see me like that, how I wanted you to be my first. How I didn't wanna moan your name while fucking my boyfriend who wasn't anything compared to you." She cried punching me, hitting my chest. I grabbed her wrist to stop her and looked deep into her eyes, "Thank god you said that, thank god you didn't do anything with him, that you waited for me. Baby I'm sorry I took so long and thank you for always moaning my name." I said pulling her into me and kissing her forehead, it wasn't the ego booster you'd think it would be, it just was so devastatingly amazing that I was her all, because shes my all.

"Okay I've given you enough time... oh you two aren't fucking in here, thank god!" Ash said bargaining into my room. "D are you crying, what the fuck did you do to her?" Ash yelled seeing tear stains on my shirt. "Overreact much Ash?" Danni questioned looking at her brother and holding tight onto me. "I missed my boyfriend so what?" She finished. Thank you babe for covering, and I swear I'ma apologize to you properly. "Okay we'll get out here Peyton and I are waiting." Ash finished closing the door behind him. "Baby I am so sorry for making you cry and pushing that conversation, I just get so damn jealous." I say kissing her temple, "thank you for covering with Ash as well, you could have told him I was being an ass." I finished. "I could have but what good would that do Ash would just yell at you without the facts, without knowing all of this is just because you care so damn much." She said smiling up at me. "Anyways I overreacted, I didn't want to admit how very long I've been hung up on you." She continued. "I've been hung up on you for the longest time baby, I'm the one that can't admit how very long." I said hanging my head, "remember when I fell out if that damn death trap tree house? The time I made you kiss me? Since then, and I've wanted you and only you in my bed since puberty." I said kissing my girl. "You are my everything, I got jealous because I finally got you, I can't loose you because you realize one of these other guys is really the guy for you." I said spilling my guts. "Damn," is all she said before Ash called for us once again. "I gotta get out there but before I leave I have to say this, all that you just spilled, all those guts, ditto." Is all she said before she disappeared to the back lawn. Ditto, did she say ditto, if you're confused that means she feels the exact same, this realization made me collapse on my bed for just a second.

After Dann left and I cleaned up and put my stuff away. I walked back to the front of the house in my Micky swim trunks to match Danni. "Finally slow poke! Let's go to the beach!" Ash said excitedly as we stared out the back door to the boardwalk onto the beach. "Hey, Ash we gotta talk bout something. Dann you and Peyton go on we'll only be a minute." I smiled as Dann agreed and walked off with Peyton. "Whatcha wanna talk bout?" Ash stopped to look at me seriously. "Did you know Peyton had a thing for Dann?" I questioned needing an answer to the question burning in my head. "He has a what? God damnit do all my friends have a thing for my baby sister?" Ash asked like his head was gonna explode. "Ya I was telling him how into Danni I was and that I was gonna finally get up the courage to ask her to be my girlfriend now that I know you're okay with it and he was like wait I'm into Dann and have been since she started freshman year. I was super confused and we got into it, which explains the tension I know you felt and he said he'd back off as long as I was good to her but the second I messed up he'd be there." I explained quickly to Ash. "Oh, well don't worry you're not gonna mess up! Plus D is way into you I don't think she even knows Peyton exist that way. And Mike I didn't mean what I said back there, I know you'd never hurt her I just went into overprotective mode." He tried to calm me down which kinda worked. "I know man, I would have flipped out too, Okay well we better get down there I just wanted you to know," I explained as we went to the beach where I spent the rest of the day and the rest of the weekend shamelessly flirting with my girl. I stole as many secret kisses that weekend as I humanly could, Danni also slept in my room every night no questions from either boy.

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