The Next Day...

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I woke up with a massive headache and laying on my bed only remembering about half the night. Oh no, what did I do? I thought to myself as the whole of the night came crashing back. I had planned a party at my place for tonight, lost my boyfriend, and kissed Mike, not once but two times. The weirdest part was Mike seemed to not only not mind I was kissing him but also like it, like a whole lot, well until he left.

Knock, knock!

The knock at my bedroom door not only pulled me out of my thoughts but also started a pounding headache... NEED Coffee!

I dragged myself out of bed and opened my bedroom door to the last person I thought would be standing there... Mike. "Hey love, good morning! how did you sleep?" He rushed out walking straight past me into my room closing my door behind him. "What do you want?" I question back not in the mood for small talk and really annoyed that he practically ran out of my room after our kiss last night. "Someones grumpy... Obviously to grumpy to notice I brought presents, Coffee and Aspirin!" He said letting a smirk play on his face, a bit calmer now. I was so happy I could kiss him... if only that was a good thing. "Thanks, Mikey, but seriously what do you want?" I question again but not before I grab the cup of Coffee and down the Aspirin. "I'm sorry I kissed you last night Dann it was a mistake and I shouldn't have taken advantage of your drunken state and the body shots, oh the body shots I don't know what I was thinking." He says as I put my Coffee down and he wraps me in an apologetic hug. "Our friendship means the world to me and the thought that I could have ruined it last night with the way I acted, ugh," Mike rambles into my shoulder as I try to tell him, "You didn't take advantage of me, Mike... Mike, I wanted you to, I needed to uhh, look Mike I wanted to kiss you, and have for a really long time, not to mention the body shots weren't bad at all and I wasn't wasted for those." I choked out as Mike held me tighter. "But how, why, when?" He questioned. "Um, let's try forever!" I answer a bit sassy. "What?" Mike asked looking a bit puzzled. "Never mind Mike, just never mind!" I say not really wanting to spill my guts, especially not knowing how Mike feels. I went to walk out of my own room when Mike stepped in front of me. "Dann just talk to me! You wanted me to kiss you... Well, you did kiss me. What are you thinking, just tell me!" That's when I stopped thinking and just did the one thing I had been wanting to do since he left last night... I kissed him, I just grabbed his face between my hands and kissed him. The kiss was passionate and loving and he let his tongue ask for entrance and I accepted almost immediately. He pulled me closer and closer till his hips were grinding on mine and there was absolutely no more space to continue to close. It was the best 45 minuets of my life!

Later that day I got a text from Vince, to meet up at a Coffee shop down the street. Leaving Mike, Jordan, Ash, Marz, and Lauren to plan the party I had set for tonight, but Mike somehow convinced them all to help out knowing I needed to talk to Vince and get out some unresolved issues from last night.

I walked into the Coffee shop to see a very sorry looking Vince. "Hey, Dann I didn't think you would actually show up," Vince says giving me a sad smile and standing up to give me a hug which I gladly deny. "Ya, me either but here I am!" I say with maybe too much sarcasm. "Ya so umm I wanted to start with I'm so sorry!! I don't know what came over me last night Dann I really don't. I was drunk and I know thats not an excuse but it's mine, and I really just need you to forgive me and take me back." He tried to apologize but I didn't care I was done and we were too, that's why I came here. "I'm sorry too Vince because when I saw you kissing Tori, I know I should have felt something, sad, angry, but I couldn't seem to care. Vince, we're done Okay! I can't take you back and this has to be, Goodbye." With that, I walked back to my car scratch that my Jeep, my 4 door, dark blue, collapsing top angel, and drove home.

I parked my Jeep and got out wanting nothing more than to go to bed, but I knew I had to get ready for tonight as it starts at 8:30 and it's 6:25 already. I walked up to the porch and opened the door knowing in my mind what I had to do before the party, I just hoped to walk straight to my room without any interruptions, but life had different plans. "Hey D! I thought you two love birds would take... Dann, why are you crying?" Ash asked as I walked into the house. Yes I was crying, it took a lot to talk to him, and now I would have to tell Ash and Jax too. I may not have feelings for him anymore and I may be okay not being with him, but this is a big change in my life, plus telling Jax and Ash was gunna be so draining. That's when Jackson walked into the room, "Did you just say D was crying? Dann, what's wrong?" Jax asks coming closer and engulfing me in a hug. "Wait! did I hear you right? D's crying?" Mike asks running into the room. "Yes! I'm crying! Get over it!" I scream. "Whats wrong? What happened? Who do I have to hurt?" Ash asks, searching my eyes. "Vince and I broke up!" I cry as Ash and Jackson immediately tense and Mike looks happy, that I broke up with Vince, not that I'm upset. "Okay calm down D, why?" Jax asks trying to stay calm himself. "Because the douche is a cheating asshole that never deserved Dann in the first place!" Mike blurts before he or I can stop him. "Okay then... Wait he cheated on you? And Mike knew first???" Ash questions getting more pissed off by each word. "Ya but I'm not that upset, we were practically done anyway...." I trail off knowing I already gave to much away. "What do you mean you two were practically done? And why are you crying if it's no big deal?" Ash questions. "Umm well, I kinda fell for someone else... and Im crying because of these questions I hate questions." I trail off again, not knowing what else to say. Mike and Ash getting redder, Ash still out for blood and Mike was just to cute blushing. "Who Dann?" Jax questions ignoring the fact I just said the question were what was stressing me out. Why do I let him talk? I mean really! "Um well.." I trail off and then am saved by the best friends.

Lauren and Marz dragged me off to talk about both Vince and my mystery guy... Mikey! I didn't want to tell the girls my mystery guy but I had to, especially if I didn't want them to dig and if I wanted them to keep their mouth's shut. Lauren was a little weirded out at first but then she was surprisingly supper supportive of it all, I think she just wants to be sisters somewhere down the line. I also think it's because this really isn't that much of a shock I mean everyone knows how I feel about Mike!

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