Chapter 40

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Today. Two weeks after our honey moon. Lily and the mates and myself have a mission. Wormtail wasn't able to go. He had to back out because he said there was a family problem. So they got Marlene and Alice to go.

We apparate to the woods. Near a home we are supposed to rade. This home is A Death eaters home. We're supposed to rare and get whatever information from anywhere we can.

" So, I thought Marlene, Alice and Lily go  through the back entrance. Moony, Padfoot and me go through the front. Cover ground that way and quicker." I say

Lily stopped. Dead silent for Like what seemed like forever. She has her thinking eyes. So we leave her alone.

"I think we don't separate. It's harder to attack a big group than a small one." Lily says "Because, They can easily capture on of us. It would be harder with two wands trying to get the person free. But if we went together. If someone were to get captured. It would be alot easier to fight then not do anything." Lily says "I got a message from Snape the other day. Who they have inside there. It's a difficult crew. So I think that splitting up is a bad idea."

"Snape sent you a message?" Remus asks

"Remember Snape, he agreed to get  information for the order. He also told me a few days ago. Everyone who's going to be inside." Lily says

"I trust Lilys plan." Alice says

We all agree.

We head for the entrance.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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