Chapter 29 Sirius Pov

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James has gotten his girl and I'm happy for him. It's taken him 6 years and 2 months for that to happen.
When I wake up I hear crying from the common room. I go downstairs and I can tell it's Lily. She's sitting on her favorite armchair. She's holding a letter. I grab it from her hands and read it before she could pull it away.
"Dear Lily Isabella Evans
We are sorry to inform you that your parents were attacked by a group of death eaters and killed the on night of November 6th, And were sorry that they aren't alive for your birthday. The death eaters reason is unknown to us so far, we believe it was Because they've been trying to target you and your family for a while. Your sister Petunia is alive and with her disgusting boyfriend Vernon, Vernon thinks the death eaters are mass murders. If you would like to know more information on your parents death please write back
Minister of magic"
"One, The minister sucks at formal writing about parents death. And two when's your birthday."
"I know, and tomorrow." Lily answers
"what do you want to do for your birthday?" I ask
"I don't know, Probably spend it at the Hogesmade trip that's tomorrow." She says
"Oh Ok, Does James know about this letter." I ask
"Could you show it to him and then use a spell that'll burn that stupid letter." She asks
I know James would want to know Lily's birthday is tomorrow.
"Prongs, Did you know Lily's birthday was tomorrow?" I ask
"Yeah, I plan to ask her to the Hogesmade trip to make her feel better about the death of her parents." James says
"How did you know." I ask
" I also heard the crying." James says
He leaves
And I change into some muggle clothes that the potters bought for me.
They are my new family. My mother burned me off of the black family tree. Which I am perfectly ok with I live with the potters now.
My ex-mother disowned me. And I'm perfectly ok with that.

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