Chapter 5

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I got a letter from my mother. "Dear, Remus.
Your father died from an attack at the ministry. He saved the others. Take this letter to professor Dumbledore. He will read this and decide if or not you shall come home. I think you shouldn't my boy. I've heard from Dumbledore all the things you've said to professors. Nice work on getting the extra classes."
I ran this letter to Dumbledore. He was there probably awaiting for me.
"Ah, Mr. Lupin. What do I owe the pleasure." he says
I handed him the letter. He read it carefully "I'm sorry to hear about your father. Remus remember tommorow is is full moon. we have the shrieking shack all ready for your use. it's all up to you." He says
I felt my eyes go wide. I forgot there's a full moon tomorrow. "Should I tell my friends about me going to the shrieking shack." I asked
"If you want, The only way they'd be able to help you with your problem is well they can't. The only way you can is to brake some rules." Professor Dumbledore said "Go show This letter to your teachers and show them this." Professor says handing me a paper that basically said that I'm excused from classes all morning. I go to my morning classes and hand them the letter. Strange I don't see Lily. "Remus my boy. Please take these to Lily in the hospital wing." Professor Slughorn says to me
"Do I collect all of her Homework?" I asked
"Yes, The poor child was outmatched by a group of 7 Slytherins." Professor says "Remus and the class is cancelled for this week."
I got all of Lily's work and headed for the hospital wing. Better for me to find out now. A teacher one I don't recognize says "My dear boy, What is a young Gryffindor doing outside of class." She asked
"Taking these to my friend in the hospital wing. I've been excused from all classes that are in the morning today, my father died yesterday." I say handing her the paper.
"I'm so sorry, I knew your father. He was a student of mine. I'm Muggle studies teacher." She says
I thank her and walk away. "Professor, Where's the hospital wing?" I ask
"Your in the right direction. There's the great big staircase white bigger than the small ones on the walls. Follow that and it's the first big door on the left." Professor says
"Ok thanks." I say
I after 20 minutes find it. Lily's the 4th bed on the right side. Every teacher especially even madam Poffery knows about my furry little problem.
She's sitting there reading she's using her wand to levitate the book and turn the pages. "I didn't know you could do that." I say in awe
"Easy, Use the right spell you can do anything." She says
"I heard from Slughorn." I say "See, You should have told people your parentage and or blood status. There Isn't that many muggle borns at this school. Ask Professor McGonnagal." I say
"I don't care if 4th year Slytherins attack me. I took down 3 our of the 7 look." She says gesturing to the beds
"Double vision." She admits
I leave and say goodbye. I go back to classes. Lunch and bed

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