Chapter 12

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I decided to write mom cause classes were cancelled due to a Quidditch game. I feel bad for James, and Sirius. They love Quidditch and we have detention is our last day, Well Sirius has one or two more.
Holidays are in 3 days weeks and I'm staying here. I can't trust myself in the mortal world with my condition.
I wrote to my mum explaining why I'm staying here. I decide to go to the library. Lily and se Ravenclaws are the only ones in here "Seriously, How are you not a Ravenclaw?" I ask
"I don't know." She spells with her wand
"I thought you could talk now?" I asked
"I can, Just afraid to." She spells with her wand
"Talk." I demand
She sets down her wand "Say something." I demand
"Hi." She spoke
Her face lot up with joy and she hugged me tightly.
I left after about and hour to find the guys sitting under a tree talking.
"Remus, Guess what." Sirius says
"I made the Gryffindor Quidditch team!" James shouts
"But first years never make it." I exclaim
"I know, They all said I wouldn't make it and I showed them." James says
James wouldn't let us forget I wish I was good at Quidditch maybe I'll have James teach me something so I can make the team in a few years.
I went back to the castle for dinner. James is talented at Quidditch, Sirius is talented with D.A.D.A, Peters insanely good with Herbology, and me? What about me? I'm good with my wand and spells, Lily's insane with her wand. I think she's got a special talent that she doesn't know about.
Me I'm a werewolf! I hope anyone who finds out doesn't think of me as a freak.

At dinner it's amazing. Lily's wowing her friend Alice with some muggle things that I recognize from my home. I live in the wizarding world but my father loved muggle devices.
She's telling them about a tv, my favorite! It shows pictures in a constant movement.
Dinner went fast and we went to bed. I slept like a baby.

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