Chapter 7

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Rhat night I'm released just in time for dinner. I'm not running to dinner, I walk into the great hall I see Lily running up the side of the Gryffindor table. Not on the table of course crying. I stop her "Lily, What's wrong?" I ask
"Some Slytherin boys called me a mudblood." She choked out
"Come on." I say "Your not gonna ruin your night because of some stupid arrogant toe-rags."
She stopped crying and smiled. She walked back with me to where she was sitting. She sat down and started talking to some of her friends. I sat with mine. When I sit down James and Sirius start talking "Dude, are you to friends?" James asked
"Yeah, Why?" I asked
"No way." Sirius says
"Wait, James do you have a crush on her." I asked
"No, Just strong feelings." He admits
She looks over like she heard and just looked away.
"Remus." Lily says
"Right. Our lesson." I say
"What?" James asked
"Two 7th years give Lily and I a potions lesson 3 times a week." I say
"Let's Go. Remember the last time you went alone." She says
"Don't remind me." I say
"Tell." James says
"Oh, Well, Remus found something like a passageway and fell through and found this mirror." She says
"Cool." Peter says
"How'd he get out." Peter asked
"Oh, Well they apperated to me and apperated back to the classroom." I say
Lily drags me along. "Lily are you staying for the holidays." I ask
"Id rather not talk about that." She says
"Sorry, Did I hit a touchy subject." I asked
"Yes and No, I have sister problems. And my parents and sister are going to visit family. My family thinks I'm at some school for the gifted. it's better for them to think that." She says
"Im sorry." I simply say
"Oh, It's fine, I guess." She shrugs
We walk to our lesson and we head back to our common room. James and Sirius and Peter are waiting for me. "Dude, What did you see in that mirror." James asked
"Me with my father and mother, also my dead little sister. Who killed her isn't important. We were together." I say
"Oh, Who killed your sister." Peter asked
"Greyback." I say just as loud for them to hear.
One day I'm going to kill Greyback. He took my sister away from me and he made me into a monster.

Remus LupinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon