Chapter 13

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Well, This mornings not been good for me. The holidays are in 2 weeks and my mom wants me to come home but I can't. The whomping Willow is my safety because it's connecting to the shrieking shack and I can't hurt anyone.
Tonight's a full moon. Oh crap, I don't like full moons. Maybe I'll ask Madeline I think it is and ask her to come with me and change form and make sure I stay safe and no one gets hurt. I don't want to be found in the lake.
Potions, Lily earned 20 points for Gryffindor! Slytherin lost 5 (I really don't care about the Slytherin loosing)
We walk to the great hall and I check the scores for house cup.
Ravenclaw: 498
Slytherin: 479
Hufflepuff: 399
Gryffindor: 520
Were not that far behind Ravenclaw. Everyone gathers around and sees Lily check the points and storms off. I chase after her. "Lily what wrong?" I ask
"I earned house points for everyone and no one gives me anything not even a thank you." She stated
"I know. But Lily everyone in our house knows you earn points like crazy. Your the best student Hogwarts has." I tell her
We go outside apparently something in a classroom went wrong and 2 students ended up in the hospital wing.
So, Anyway the rest of the day goes normal. James is a beater I think for the Quidditch team. I think in a few years he wants to be a seeker fore the team.
Tonight after dinner I wait for everyone to be asleep. I go outside and I change form.

When I wake up I'm in The Hospital wing. "Mr. Lupin. Your being released today." Madam Poffery says
"Ok. but What did I miss while I was out."
"Oh, Just a Quidditch game. A young first year Gryffindor got nailed in the head with a rouge bludger. Her name is Lily Evans, I used bone repairing all of it I can. I she doesn't get better it's just a crack in her skull, She Will had to go saint Hugo's hospital and they will fix it." She says
"Can I see her." I ask
"My boy. You can't move until I release you. It's amazing you got yourself up here." Madam Poffery said
"Actually, I did." Said Madeline
"Madeline, My dear how did you get him up here." Madam Poffery said
"Well, since I'm and an Animagus, I got him up easily. Professor Dumbledore, Sent me to watch him while he's in transformation. He was very easy to contain actually, I just had to transform I to a dog and I had to contain him. You didn't put up much of a fight. You changed back half way to the castle and I had to drag you up here scared a couple of students, but that doesn't matter. I'm sorry about this but I had to bite your leg to contain you while you were still in formation and I accidentally I think I broke your leg. The bone repairer stuff will be done at 3:00 today." Madeline says
"where's Lily." I ask "I'm glad your here Madeline." I say
"Lily, That poor girl who got by with the bludger." She asks
"Yes." I say
"Oh only a few beds down." She says
She leans over and looks at her "Yeah she's asleep."
"Remus, It's lunch I'll get you ready to go. Madeline brought you clothes." Madam Poffery said
"I did?" Madeline said "Oh, Hold on a sec." She said she pulled out her wand. She turned to me "Jeans and shirt or robes. I'm wearing muggle clothes. And so is everyone else. But it's up to you."
"Jeans, Shirt." I say
"Accio Remus Lupins green shirt and blue jeans." Madeline says
a couple minutes later my clothes came flying in. She closed a curtain type thing and I got dressed into muggle clothes.
I went to see Lily, and there was a dent in her head. She wasn't sleeping anymore. She slowly opened her eyes and I was sitting there. "Hi." She says
"You ok?" I ask
"I'll be fine. If I'm not better by like monday I have to go to saint Hugo's I think and get it fixed then." She says
I sigh deeply and leave "I'll get you some work to keep yourself busy for the next few days." I say
"Thanks you a good friend." She says
I leave and join the guys in the great hall.
It's about dinner I think. They ask me what happened to me and I just say "I don't want to talk about it." I say
After that we had to take the long way to the Gryffindor common room. Then we went to sleep peacefully and less to say it was the best sleep I've ever had.

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