Chapter 4

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Today i have Potions, Then D.A.D.A, Flying, Astronomy, than lunch then Transfiguration, than History of Magic, After that charms, Then Herbology, Then dinner then bed. I share my schedule with James and Sirius. We have Everything together. All Gryffindor first years are with another house from the same year. Flying, Charms, and Transfiguration with Ravenclaw, D.A.D.A , Herbology, and Potions with Slytherin, and History of magic, and Astronomy with Hufflepuff.
I walked with James and Sirius to find Potions. I realized were 10 minutes late. When we get there I manage "Sorry, Professor Slug-horn. Got lost." I say
"My Boys, Were you running?" He asked
"We, Well I didn't want to be late for my first day." I say
"Hey," Sirius says
"It's alright Mr. Lupin, Now Children I have assigned seats for well I like change a lot. So seats will change in about 3 to 4 weeks." Professor says
We walk to the sides of the room and stand like the others with our potions and other books. "Lily Evans will he right here with Avery Cullen."
Lily still smiled and sat down in front no fair. Avery's a Pureblood Nasty Slytherin. Once they find out her parentage she's gonna be in for it.
"Remus Lupin, Will be right beside Lily with Clark Maddison."
The tables were set into groups of 5 around 5 cauldrons. "Lastly with that group Peter Pettigrew." Professor says
I realized something. He put Clark, Lily and I to make Avery, and Peter work a little harder.
He walks over to the 2nd table and thankfully there's only 6 tables. "James Potter with Bellatrix Black."
"No relation." Sirius shouts
"It's alright, Mr. Black, Everyone knows she's your cousin." Professor says
James didn't look happy which I was by 2 of the smarted kids I could think of other than me.
He finished the tables which took no longer than 5 minutes. "now students, Tommorow we will start class with potions. I would like to know Your parentage and something about you." Professor says "Ill start with Lily and snake around the room." He stopped "And not an actual snake."
A couple students said "Awe" In disappointment.
"Well, I'm Lily, Parentage or blood status is Muggle born." She says a couple Slytherins looked at each other. "I want to be top in the year in every subject." she says
We finished with Sirius.
We left when he said class dismissed.
Professor McGonnagal after Lunch and sent me to Professor Dumbledores Office. When I get there Lily's here to. "Welcome Young Lily and Remus." Professor Dumbledore said "The other Professors have given me a very good report on you both."
"And?" Lily asked
"Professor Slughorn has told me he'd like to have you to tutored by older students in potions. Not by choice he believes, By the goals you to said in his class he believes that you will do great make perfects and or head boy and girl.
So he's going to take 2 if his best students in his 7th year class and he's going to have them teach you after classes. I give you permission, 3 nights a week. Tonight after dinner in Slughorns classroom, and whenever is good for you. This will only last 5 weeks." professor Dumbledore says
Lily agreed, Probably cause she wants perfect and or head.
Were the first ones at dinner. We sat down and started eating. People came in and they were mainly first years. They sat down at their tables. A boy and a girl came and got Lily and I after dinner. We had our potions class after dinner. I went back to my dorm when I was bombarded with questions "Potions class after dinner for 5 weeks." I answer
They didn't say anything else we just changed into our pajamas and went to sleep.

Remus LupinOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora