Chapter 28

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Today's Slughorns dance. Lily and I are the only Gryffindors who got invited to be in it. James was to but didn't make it. We have to ask someone to go. I want to ask Lily to go as friends. Luckily we have the same classes together
I see her on the way to the great hall. "Hey, Lily Would you like to go to Slughorn's dance as friends." I ask
"Yeah, Id Love to go." she says "As Friends." She repeats
"Yeah, Um Lily can I talk to you." I ask
"Sure." she says
"Just thought Id tell you Id used to like you. When we first met in Diagon alley to about 5th year." I say
She seemed taken back "Remus, I used to have a crush on you from first year until 4th year. I had another crush James in the 5th year." She says "I'm sorry, But I'm with James. We can defiantly go to Slughorns party as friends. I'll take James to another one, he's got like 3 a term." Lily says
"Thanks, Lily your the best." I say
she heads the other way, Because of Slughorns party classes are cancelled and there's no Hogesmade,
She heads towards the library, Like usual when we don't have classes. She works on homework. Man I wish she was mine

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