* * * * * *

   "She's waking up."

    I groaned and attempted to lift my hands, only to find myself restrained. I blinked up at the harsh fluorescent lights. A figure suddenly blocked them, and I winced again.

    It was the woman from earlier, her hair still pulled back, and her pinstripe suit still crisp. She smiled wryly at me, her face pinching up like there was a bad smell.

    "Hello, MacKenzie. I'm Naomi. Do you know why we're here?"

    I shrugged my shoulders. "Not a clue. But I know that you had better let me go fast or you'll regret it."

    She 'hmm'd. "I doubt that."

    I wracked my brain. Naomi. The name sounded familiar. Then I realized why. I had never met her. I wouldn't find her in my memories. But Cass'...I remembered a Naomi from them.

    My eyes widened as I recalled the scene. I had been here before. No, not me. It had been Cass. Or maybe it had been me. Sometimes our memories blurred together.

    Naomi smiled tightly at me again as she reached over to a side table and plucked a tool off the metal tray. I struggled in my bonds uselessly.

    "Now, let's just see how much dear Castiel showed you." As the sharp tip pierced my forehead I let out an earsplitting scream.

    * * * * * *

   I was back in Bobby's living room. I was breathing heavily, and Castiel was still standing in front of me, his face one of concern. I glanced at Bobby who was still in the kitchen cleaning weapons before looking back to Cass.

   "What the hell was that?"

   "It wasn't Hell."

   I gave him a disbelieving look. "Yeah, Cass, I got that. Who was that woman? W-was she an angel too?"

    He nodded. "She's somewhat of an expert on memory wiping. She thinks I showed you too much when I used you as a vessel."

   "Well you sure did show me a lot." I muttered, remembering the battles of Heaven and Hell, Lucifer being cast out when Castiel was a fledgling, and what I suppose you could call the angel's "dirty little secrets". "How come I still remember them then?"

    Castiel looked slightly proud of himself. "When I reentered you, your mind automatically just took in those memories again. You are one of my true vessels after all."

    "So, what about that other guy." I waggled my fingers for emphasis about his trench-coated friend.

   He chuckled. "Well, Jimmy is one of them too. But he's not as strong as you. That's the problem. Naomi and the others think you're becoming a little too strong. They think that you're taking in too much of my grace, and they fear if you do that you'll become somewhat of an abomination yourself."

    "Like, a half-angel, half-human."


    I gaped at him. "You're joking, right? I mean, they're just being suspicious for no reason. Of course Naomi's not correct...Is she?"

    Cass gave me a serious and somewhat confused look. "No."

    I stared at him, my mouth gaping. "You're joking."

    He tilted his head to the side. "No. How is this a—"

   I held up a hand to stop him. "Don't worry about it."

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