Laugh, I Nearly Died (Part Two)

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A/N: Hey, my computer hates me, so if anything sounds like it's supposed to be in italics it probably was supposed to be, but when I put it on Wattpad it decided not to be in italics. Sorry, I'm going to try and fix it later, but I wanted to go ahead and put this up. Enjoy!

"We got another job." I heard Sam say as he entered the motel room.

Me and Dean turned. "What?" We asked in unison.

Sam held up the newspaper clipping for us to see. "A woman mysteriously disappeared while visiting her mother’s grave at the local cemetery. Two days later she’s found dead in the mausoleum."

"So?" Me and Dean asked in unison, shrugging.

"So, her throat was slit and she’s the sixth girl to die in the same place in the past ten years. All girls under twenty-five. Same cemetery. All of them visiting a relatives’ grave that ended up dying in a strange way."

"Strange how?" Dean asked jumping up and grabbing his jacket. I waited expectantly.

"Uh," Sam glanced down at another piece of paper. "I stopped by the library. Did some digging. First victim died in a car wreck. Second, drowned in a bath tub. Not supernatural ways, just strange. You know not natural deaths." Sam shrugged. "Thought we could look into it."

I shrugged. "Why not?"

Dean shrugged as well. "Let’s go."

* * * * *

"So this is the place where she died?" I asked more as a rhetorical question than anything else.

"Supposedly." Sam said as he slid the lock pick back into his pocket.

He pushed the door open with a slight creaking noise. I walked slowly around the room and studied the floor and walls. I read the names carved into the wall to myself as I went.

"You guys find anything?" Dean asked after a moment.

"No. Nothing." Sam answered.

I started to answer as well when something caught my eye. Below a crypt labeled "Sylvester Ellis" was a small mark. I bent down to study it and run my hand over the spot. It was a thin crack.

"Dean, Sam." I said. "Help me here."

I felt both my brothers at my shoulder instantly. "What is it?" Sam asked.

"Not sure." I slid my knife out of my arm sheath and worked it in the thin crack. I pried it up and the section of concrete gave way. I pulled it up with my brothers’ assistance.

Dust flew up as though the passage hadn’t been in use for a while. Dean dug a flashlight out of his duffel and switched it on. He shone it down into the gloom to illuminate a set of steps.

"Well, well. That’s classic." Dean muttered behind me. "Let’s go." He started down the steep stairs cautiously, one hand on his flashlight, and the other on the wall. Sam and me followed closely behind him.

At some point the stairs stopped and a long gray chamber stretched before us. Old broken, wooden crates littered the floor which was stained with what appeared to be blood. The walls were dark and grimy.

We moved around the room to see if we could find any clues. "Anything?" I heard Sam say. I turned to go answer him but a slight rustling noise to my left caught my attention. I turned toward it instead and as I did so I felt a crushing weight on my back, knocking me down.

I heard Sam and Dean’s cries of surprise and I felt whatever it was dragged off of me. I rolled over and Sam helped me into a standing position.

My assailant wasn’t of the supernatural kind though. It was a girl about my age with light hair, blond highlights, and hazel eyes. She was taller than me and her skin was pale, all except for her face which was bright red with rage. Her Walking Dead T-shirt was filthy and her ripped jeans looked almost black from the dirt smeared on them.

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