Scout continued thinking, burying himself deeper and deeper in a train of thought. Until Sniper snapped him out of it. "You alright, mate?" He asked.

Scout nodded, "I'm fine," He muttered. There would be time to think later, so he pushed his thoughts from his mind. Right now was time to hang out with Sniper. "So, how was work?" He asked, trying to hold in a smile.

Sniper snorted. "Work was fine. Got some good headshots in. Got backstabbed by a BLU spy, only once. And you?"

"Ah, it was great. I got like, most of the capture points all by myself. Felt great." Scout gloated.

Sniper held back a smile. "Next time I'll remember to cover you."

Scout rolled his eyes. "Next time is tomorrow. And ya don't gotta cover me. As I said before, I can't handle it myself." He bragged.

Sniper chuckled and took another sip of his coffee. Scout took notice of today's coffee mug. "Wow, really?" Scout asked.

"What?" Sniper asked, confused.

Scout nudged in his general direction. "Your coffee mug. Kangaroos? Really?" He asked, grinning.

Sniper flushed. "Yeah, why not?" He said, also breaking out into a smile.

Scout shook his head, laughing.

They sat in a comfortable silence for a while, just watching TV. It was just silly game shows, but it was something.

Scout wasn't really paying attention. His busy mind was was always running, just like him. Making his always think, always go fast.

"Question," Scout stated, breaking the silence.

"Shoot," Sniper replied, glancing at him.

"Why don't you stay in the base? You do have a room, yknow. It's not being used, it's just some boxes in there. You could move back in." Scout informed.

Sniper shrugged. "I don't really get along with everyone that well." Sniper lied.

Scout raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Sniper sighed. "I just, I dunno, i'm a loner. I'm quiet, i'm shy, I don't fit in, i'm awkward, I mess things up, I don't know what to say. It's better for everyone if I keep my antisocial self out here."

Sniper instantly regretted what he said from the look on Scout's face. "Sniper, wow man, I didn't realize. Don't say that though, you fit in. You're not awkward, you don't mess things up. I think your really cool, dude," Scout said.

Sniper flushed. "T-thanks, mate." He mumbled.

Scout smiled, but at the same time, he felt something in his gut twist. It didn't take but a few seconds for him to realize what that meant. It was the same feeling he had used to get when thinking about Miss Pauling.

But now it was happening because of Sniper.


Oh no.

Scout didn't know what to do, he couldn't stop his feelings. He just started at Sniper, taking him all in. The way his hat sat atop his head. The way his hair fell perfectly into place. The way his eyes seemed to sparkle. The way the last remains of blush stained his cheeks. The way he sat so naturally and casually. The way he–

"You alright, mate?" He asked, pulling Scout out of his thoughts. He was obviously concerned for some reason, he could tell by the tone Sniper used.

"Yeah, yeah, i'm good, why?" Scout questioned.

Sniper looked his up and down. "Because all of the sudden you got really pale. Are you feeling well?" Sniper asked.

Scout nodded, quickly. "Yeah, yeah, I feel fine. I'm good. Promise." Scout said.

Sniper eyeballed him once again and shrugged, "If you say so, mate." He returned to watching TV.

Scout shook his head, trying to clear the thoughts from his head. "I think i'm gonna head up to the base. I'll see you tomorrow after work though, okay?" Scout asked.

Sniper nodded, "I'll be there." He said.

"Okay, bye Snipes," Scout said, walking to the door and opening it.

"Bye, Scout," Sniper said, waving with his right hand as Scout shut the door behind him.

Scout took a deep breath, and took of in a jog towards the base. He didn't think, just kept running until he was at the back door. As he approached, he walked in. Mostly everyone was still out and about throughout the base. Engineer and Pyro sat in the rec room watching something on the TV. Demo and Soldier were playing a card game at the kitchen table. Medic was frantically searching through the fridge, with Heavy behind him. Scout made a mental note to talk to them eventually.

Walking up the stairs, Scout finally reached him room. He quickly shut the door behind him, accidentally slamming it. He winced at the sudden loud noise. "Fuck," he muttered. He shook his head. It didn't matter.

Scout began to pace around his room, with two things on his mind.

He didn't want to think about it, but Scout knew he couldn't deny that churning feeling in his gut. It was like butterflies in his stomach, but so much worse. It wouldn't felt cutesy and happy if the person he liked was anyone but Sniper.

Oh no I do like Sniper.

Scout ran a hand through his short hair, as he felt a sense of panic run through him. As much as he wanted to keep walking around, he had to sit don't because his legs were shaking so much. He felt like he might pass out.

Am I gay?

The thought ran through Scouts mind and it terrified him. Surely he wasn't, but the way he looked at Sniper...

"Oh no what do I do?" Scout mumbled to himself in the quiet room.

Suddenly a thought came to him mind. There was only one way for Scout to know if he gay or not. The thought scared him, but Scout knew it would work. It would give him the answers he so desperately needed.

He sat up, knowing what he had to do. Scout changed his outfit to something more casual, fixed his hair, and did all the necessities for a night out. He opened his bedroom door and shut it silently behind him, walking down the stairs. He slipped out the side door like he had done the previous day and walked to the massive garage, Only to find Engineer messing around with something he had built. Great.

"Hey there, Scout, whatcha up to?" Engineer asked as Scout approached.

He fidgeted nervously. "Ah, nothing, just going out for the night. Don't stay up for me, heh," Scout mumbled nervously.

Engineer raised an eyebrow at him. He must've been able to pick up on Scouts odd behavior. "Ah, where're you goin'?" Engie asked, curiously

Scout opened his mouth to say something but shut it again. "Out." He shrugged.

He grinned, "Alright, alright. Have a good time, and be safe, Scout."

Scout smiled, "Thanks, I will." He waved and walked to his car. He got settled in and peeled out of the garage, into town. He knew where he had to go.

"you can't catch me gay thoughts!"
"Oh yes we can!"
Thanks for reading!

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