He had just seen her the day before, and he already missed her like crazy, and he couldn't even imagine how much he was going to miss her once he went to America in a few weeks time.

Harry left his house at around 10 in the morning, and drove straight to Louis', parked the car, and used his key to go inside the flat. He had just gone across the door that separated the common areas from the bedroom area, when he saw Sage crawling up to him, completely undressed except for a nappy.

"What are you doing here in just a nappy?" Harry chuckled as he picked her up from the floor, and kissed her nose.

"I was getting her dressed and she escaped when she heard the door" Louis said coming out from Sage's room.

"You heard me coming and wanted to say hi to me, huh?" Harry asked the baby.

"I think so" Louis said smiling.

"Little cutie" Harry cooed, and kissed Sage's forehead "Now let's get you dressed, okay?".

"Wait, where's my kiss?" Louis asked.

Harry was surprised, because Louis hadn't initiated or asked for a kiss in a long time, but after the initial shock, he went ahead and pecked his lips.

"That's better" Louis smiled again "Now we can get her dressed".

The 3 of them went into the baby's room, and Louis took Sage to get her dressed for the day, while Harry made the bag that he would be taking with him, although he had a ton of Sage's stuff in his house.

"What are you and Sage doing today?" Louis wondered.

"Uhm... I'm not sure, we'll probably go to my house for a while, and then we might go to the park, maybe even do some shopping if we have time... what time do you think you'll be done writing?" Harry wondered.

"I don't think I'm going to write today" Louis considered.

"No?" Harry raised his eyebrows

"No" Louis confirmed "I was actually wondering if you and Sage could use one more today?".

"You wanna go out with us?" Harry asked shocked.

"Yeah, would that be okay?".

"Of course, love" Harry replied with a smile.

"Alright, then let me get a quick shower and we'll go" Louis smiled even more.

Then he gave Harry a fully dressed Sage, pecked his lips and ran out of the nursery.

"That was weird" Harry whispered to the baby "Right?".

Sage's reply was just babbling, but Harry chose to believe she was agreeing, so he gave her  another kiss, and took her and the bag he had packed to the living room to wait for Louis.

"Hi, Edgar" Harry greeted the cat, who was stretched in the rug Louis had in the living room "Say hi to Edgar, Sagie".

He pointed at the cat, and waved his hand to get Sage to do the same, but the second the baby noticed the cat, she started swinging her legs to be put down.

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