Chapter 89 - I Messed Up...Again

Start from the beginning

"You don't just panic and take a private jet to California in the middle of the night." Jacob says, getting annoyed by the second. "Tell me what fucking happened." He says through gritted teeth. "Tessa. Tell me wha-" He starts but I quickly cut in.

"I made out with Nick." I say and quickly slap my hand over my mouth. Jacob freezes in his spot and looks up at me.

"You made out with Nick." He repeats slowly and I nod in response. "As in a guy named Nick right. A random guy you met on the street or at a party or at the club." He says, making me sigh.

"I made out with Nick, Jacob." I state.

"Or a Nick at a store or something like that right?" He babbles on. "You kissed a Nick that I don't know, right?" He says, his face going red slightly.

"I kissed Nicklaus, Jacob." I sigh. I know this hurts him because Nicklaus and Jacob were very close before I started dating Nick back when we were teenagers.

"You kissed Nicklaus." He says as covers his face with his hands. "My god Tessa..." He sighs.

"We were both drunk and-" I start but get cut off.

"How many fucking things are you going to blame your mistakes on the drinking!" He yells, taking me by suprise. I open my mouth but snap it shut at his next few words. "How about you stop drinking and forget about Gayle since he's locked up. How about you try to move on and make life easier for everyone around you? How about you stop fucking drinking and leaving a fucking mess for us to clean up!" He shouts as his face turns red.

"Jacob." Madison quickly walks into the room. "Baby, calm down." She says as she walks towards Jacob.

"You mess up every fucking thing, Tessa!" He carries on.

"Jake, the kids are sleeping honey." Madison says softly but gets ignored again.

"I know. I messed up...again. I'm sorry-" I start but get cut off.

"Stop being selfish and think about others for once." Nick says in a calmer tone. "How the fuck do you want me to look Nick straight in the face when I know he's had his hands all over my baby sister. Again." He adds.

"Jacob, that's not fair." I say quickly as he stands up and walks towards the door.

"You know what's not fair?" He says as he turns to face me. "I finally got my best friend back. We were close again after you ruined us by dating him but now....You did it all over again and I lost my best friend." He says. "I don't give a shit what the both of you do, cause I am done with him and you-" He starts but I cut him off.

"It was a mistake." I say quickly.

If I knew they were rebuilding their relationship, I would have never kissed Nick.

"I just feel bad for Marshall. He doesn't deserve this." He says before he walks out, leaving me alone with his girlfriend.


I pace up and down on the balcony with the hotel phone in my hand. Stopping in the middle, I turn on the phone and dial Nicks number and freeze as my fingers hover overs the last digit.

"Damn it, Tessa!" I sigh as I slam the phone on the ground, making a few pieces fall off.

I turn away as I cover my face with my hands and let out a long sigh. I push my hair back and look down at the street, only to find the papparazi taking my pictures and making videos.

"Go ahead!" I yell down at them. "Take fucking pictures and record me like i'm some kind of fucking animal caged in a damn zoo!" I scream. "Fucking assholes!" I add, my voice cracking a little due to me screaming.

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