"Dylan!" I rushed to the doorway of the apartment, making sure he was still there and to my relief, he was.

"Yeah? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just making sure you're okay. Come here baby." I held my arms out as I knelt, making sure to contain my anger.

I didn't care about the water that soaked my jeans as he hurried to me, wrapping his small arms around my neck.

"I love you, you know that, right?"

He nodded against my shoulder, "I love you Sky."

I kissed his cheek, standing up with him in my arms.

"Right, what are we going to do?"

Zach came over at that moment, "This was no storm, Sky. Whoever did this targeted you on purpose."

I sighed, "I know."

He tilted his head in confusion, wondering just how much that sick man was willing to do to frighten me. Or whatever his motive was.

He straightened up before speaking. "Then perhaps staying at my place isn't such a good idea when my parents will be holding meetings in these few weeks. If another gang found out about where we lived, it would be easier to track you down."

"I'll have to ask Uncle Hudson then. Great and now I'll have to call the landlord too. Wait 'til he hears about this and all the money he'll have to spend to get this place up and running again. He'll have a fit."

Just thinking about it had me rolling my eyes.

But thinking over it had me realising who would get the blame for this so I decided to hand Dylan over to Zach, going back into the place.

"Hang on, I've just got to do something."

I walked around the apartment and removed the towels from where they had been jammed into the plugholes.

Zach had already turned off all the taps when I had gone.

Just because we knew it wasn't an accident didn't mean the owner had to know.

For all he knew, it was the storm.

And it was to be kept that way.

I returned to the boys, pulling out my phone to call the man up and prepare myself for what was about to go down.

The phone rang for a while and just as I was about to give up, his gruff voice sounded through the receiver.

"What now?" He grunted.

I ignored his rude greeting and got on with it. The quicker this was over, the better.

"Hello, it's Skylar from room 12. It seems there's been a problem, I'm thinking a hole in the roof as the place has flooded."

I looked to Dylan over my shoulder, hoping he didn't have to hear me feed the man lies.

What a bad example I was.

I definitely wasn't fit to look after him, not with all these problems I seemed to cause.

"Flooded? How the fuck did you flood the place?" Oh, so now he was interested.

"Like I said before Sir, there must be a hole in the roof that the water leaked through. Especially with this storm, it rained quite heavily."

I heard the deep sigh from his end. "This will be quite the expense. How are you going to pay? For the damage that has been done, I'm thinking it will be a fairly big price to pay."

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