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     "He was heartbroken," I said, my voice breaking on the last word, and I sobbed. He held me close, and I nuzzled into his chest. I could smell his cologne, and it was sweet.
    "It's okay, Liz," he said, and he held me tighter. I felt so secure, but being in his arms left a bitter taste in my mouth. I pulled away from him, and I messed with my hair.
    "George, I feel so... wrong. This all feels so wrong," I said, and he sighed.
    "Paul will be fine. He-He has a date tonight," George said, and I nodded. I don't understand why I felt so bad. I told Paul to forget me, to let me go. So why do I feel so betrayed?
    "With?" I asked, prying. I didn't even care that I was meddling in someone else's business, I was hurt.
    "Some girl named Linda?" George said, and I nodded.
    "Oh, well that's good," I said, and George nodded. I walked over to him and shakily kissed him.
    "What's wrong?" He asked when I pulled away, and I smiled sadly. The tears began to fall, and I silently cursed myself for getting emotional.
    "I deserve to be happy," I said, and he looked genuinely confused.
    "So the problem is...?" He asked, and I let my bangs cover my tear-soaked eyes.
    "I can't stand the thought of him being with someone else," I started, and he sighed, "but I think I want to be with you more," I finished, and he smiled. Suddenly, the doorbell rang and he went to get it. I wiped away my tears, and then joined him at the door.
    "Dad?" I could barely choke out, and he smirked, seeing the effect he had on me. Suddenly, my knees gave out and I began to fall, but George caught me and held me up by my waist.
    "Lizzie! How wonderful to see you!" My father gushed, and I remembered that night so vividly. It all came back to me, and I felt like I was going to be sick.
    "Don, I would like you to leave," I said sternly, using his first name.
     "Don? Really? I'm your dad, sweetheart," he said in a cheery voice, and I shook my head.
     "No, you're don. You're a stranger now, you lost me that night," he opened his mouth to apologize, but I opened mine before he could, "I was 14! I had 14 years of innocence before you ruined it! You tainted me! You made me realize that not all parents are there to love you, to support you! You showed me the evil in the world, and for that, you don't get to be my father!" I yelled, and slammed the door. I could imagine him sitting there, looking at the door. Wishing that I would open it with open arms for him and his newfound love for me, but I wasn't.
     "Liz, are you okay?" George asked, walking me to the couch in fear of me collapsing again. I sat, and wept angry tears. The tears only made me so much more frustrated.
    "I'm fine, George," I said, and I had to stop myself from snapping at him. Luckily, it managed to come out genuinely, and he didn't look hurt. Suddenly, Paul walked in, looking awfully handsome for his date. He didn't speak to me. He wasn't angry, it's just that we were over and it was time to let bygones be bygones. I knew that I was with George, but I still couldn't help but feel misplaced. I was missing something, and it was Paul's arms wrapped around me.
Who would you choose? Who do you ship more?! Hehe, all will be explained in the near future, my loves.

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