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"Can we go somewhere?" Paul asked, and I reluctantly agreed. He walked me to the park where we went on our first date after getting coffee.
    "Paul..." I said hesitantly, I didn't want to be here. It would bring up old feelings and truths I didn't want to face yet. I was with George now. This made me feel like I was doing something I had to hide from him.
    "Just, hear me out, okay?" He pleaded, and I decided that a few minutes wouldn't hurt. We sat on the bench because, being as it was the middle of the day, there were kids there. He didn't sit closer to me like he was trying to make a move, he sat a few inches away from me.
    "You wanted to talk?" I asked, rushing him out of his thoughts and into my presence again.
    "He finished that song, didn't he?" Paul asked, and I knew what he was talking about,but I played stupid.
    "Who finished what song?" I asked, and Paul shook his head and smiled. He then looked up to the wispy, white clouds.
    "George. He finished 'something,' didn't he?" He asked, and I gulped. If I told Paul, it would represent the end for me and him. Close a door on our relationship.
    "Yeah, he did," I said quietly, and Paul nodded, keeping his attention towards the sky. I looked up there too.
   "I heard him singing it. He finally got the lyric he was looking for. That was you, wasn't it?" He asked, and I sighed. I would miss Paul.
    "It was," I said quietly, and he didn't say anything for a while.
    "Do you believe in love?" Paul asked hopefully, and I could hear the hurt in his voice, but he stayed strong.
    "I do," I said surely, and Paul bit his cheek. He smiled sadly, and it broke my heart.
    "So do I. I thought you were the one. You were my first love," Paul said, and I frowned. He had many girlfriends before me, so why was I so important?
    "Paul, what makes me different from your other girlfriends?" I asked quietly, and he thought.
    "I don't know, exactly," he said, and I smiled.
    "Paul, you're going to be alright," I said surely, and he turned his attention from the clouds and onto me.
   "How can you be so sure?" He asked, and I looked at him with certainty.
   "You still believe in love after what I did to you, you'll be okay. You just have to move on," I said, and his eyes looked sad. I kissed him on the forehead.
   "I think I'll stay a bit, if you're fine walking?" He asked, and I nodded.
   "Yes, I'll be fine, Paul," I said, and I strolled back home, thinking of Paul and George all the while. I was glad that he was moving on, but I don't know if I was read to.
    To outsiders, it must have looked insane. We must have looked like a couple on that park bench. We probably looked happy, cloud gazing. But it wasn't that. It was sad, and it was an end. It represented a closed door, just like I thought it would, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
Short and sad chapter 😭

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