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    Finally, we arrived where I wanted to go, and I could tell George was confused. He didn't know the ghosts in this house, but when I looked at it, I felt bitter.
    "Who's house is this?" George asked, and I took in a deep breath, and exhaled. I did this over and over again until I was calm enough to answer.
    "Mine," I said, and he gave me a sideways look.
    "This isn't your house, I've seen your flat he argued, and I looked at him.
    "This is the house I partially grew up in, the house me and my father lived in," I said, and he gulped. We stood at the end of the driveway, staring at it for a while before I got the courage to go to the door and knock. George walked with me every step of the way.
     I knocked, and a woman opened the door. I was almost disappointed that my deadbeat father didn't still live here. It felt strange to know that a new family was living here, the lay time I was in here, I was in the back bedroom.....
    I let my thoughts fade off, she stood there, seeming impatient, "how can I help you?" She asked politely, and I plastered on a fake smile.
    "I used to live here, long ago. I was looking for someone, for something, but it obviously isn't here anymore," I explained, and she sized me up.
    "Would you like to come in?" She asked, and I nodded. She opened her door to me, and I walked in. The whole place looked redecorated, and it felt homey, but underneath all of that wallpaper and paint, I knew the truth. The sad things this wall had seen, that couldn't be covered up.
    "Can I just see the back bedroom?" I asked, and she reluctantly nodded, leading me to the back. Me and George followed her, and I walked into the bedroom, looking around. It didn't matter how much you covered it up, you can't cover up the dark truths.
    I looked around, and envisioned that night. It was like a nightmare, and I couldn't seem to snap out of it. I felt like I was that fourteen year old girl, helpless as to what was happening to me. It made me sick.
    "Lizzie, we'd better go," George said, and I turned to him nodding.
    "Miss, did you find what you were looking for?" The lady asked me, and I shook my head.
    "Whatever was here, isn't here anymore," I said simply, and suddenly a girl came running into the room.
    "Mommy!" She yelled, and the woman picked her up. They looked so happy together, and it made tears come to my eyes.
    "Belle! How was school?" She asked the girl, and the girl shrugged.
    "It was okay," she said, and I laughed.
    "How old is she?" George asked, and the mother smiled.
    "She's six years old," she said, and I smiled in return.
    "She's absolutely gorgeous," I said, and it was true. The girl blushed and sighed her face into her mother's shoulder shyly.
    "Thank you," the girl said quietly, and I nodded.
    Suddenly I moved closer to her, and her mom put her down. I bent down to speak to her.
    "You know I used to live here?" I asked, and her eyes went wide.
    "You did?" The girl asked, and I nodded.
    "Stay young, Belle," I told her, and she nodded. We thanked the woman, and we left.
    "Wow," George said, and I bit my lip.
    "That back bedroom, that was the room," I said, my voice cracking and I began to sob into his chest. We stopped for a moment, and when I was ready, we walked again. We walked towards the sunset, and marveled at its beauty. Maybe not everything was evil in the world, at least not when I was with George.

Things we said today (completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant