Meet Your Daughters

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Stefan's POV
I open my eyes and I see the coffee table. I'm on the couch. I wonder how I got here. I turn on my back and scream "AH!"
I fall off the couch as I see three teenage girls staring at me.
Well this was a great way to meet my daughters...again.
"Who are you?" One of them asks. She has very dirty blonde hair. That must be Vanessa.
I open my mouth to respond but just as I'm about to Katherine walked down the stairs doing her hair up.
"Oh, right. I meant to talk to you girls." Katherine tells them.
"Whose he mu-Katherine?" One of the other girls asks.
"It's fine you can call me mum. He's a vampire." She informs them. They all turn to me.
"Are you having sex with her?" One of the brunettes ask.
"If I was, why would he be sleeping on he couch?" Katherine responds.
All the girls say "Oh" in realization.
"Okay breakfast in the kitchen everybody move." Katherine instructs.
The girls rush into the kitchen.
"Morning sleepy head." She greets.
I follow her into the kitchen and see the the brunettes getting blood bags.
"Stefan meet Katja, Alison and Vanessa."
"It's nice to meet you all." I tell them.
"Nice to meet you Stefan." They all say at the same time. Cute.
I got to get some water.
"Oh, I got it, he slept on the couch because he was bad." Alison guesses.
I choke on my water.
Luckily, Kitty Kat has my defense.
"No, he was the best I ever had. We just don't do that anymore."
The girls all stare at me.
"Um, mom I think it's time for my injection." Vanessa tells her mother.
"Oh right." She walks over to a cabinet and takes a needle out.
She gets a long vial of blood and she fills the need with it.
"Kitty Kat what are you doing?" I ask her.
She glares at me while the girls laugh.
"Don't worry Steffy, it's just the regular
dose of human blood."
The girls laugh a little.
"I'm kind of a ripper." She mutters, but she knows I can hear her.
"I was too." I admit.
The girls all stare.
"Okay, you're all good." Katherine tells her, taking the needle out.
"I'll do you later Stefan."
I choke again and the girls are all smirking.
"I mean, I'll give you your dosage later." She tries to recover, not well though.
"Okay, everyone in the car let's go!"
The girls grab their bags and walk out the door.
"I'll see you after work Stefan." She waves goodbye.
"Wait, what am I suppose to do?"
I ask her.
"Right. Come along Steffy." She teases as we make our way to the front door.
"Right behind you Kitty Kat." I tease her right back.
I follow her to the car.
"Stefan's in front, Vanessa, out." She instructs.
The girl rolls her eyes and slinks into the backseat. I take her seat and Katherine starts driving.
"So, where do you girls go to school?" I wonder a loud.
"We go to Chastna." Vanessa answers.
"Do you like it there?"
The trio looks at one another and give big fake smiles.
I chuckle as Katherine rolls her eyes.
The trio spends the rest of the ride whispering and texting.
After we drop them off I turn the radio on and find a channel I like.
She raises her eyebrows at me.
"You like Garth Brooks?" She questions.
I slightly blush.
"Yeah, is it okay?"
She smirks.
"I'm more of a Carrie Underwood girl myself but...Garth is pretty good too."
The jaw drops. I never would have thought Katherine would like country music. Maybe we have more in common than i thought.
We arrive at the hospital she works at and she parks out front.
"Pick me up five kay? And the girls at three." She instructs.
I stare at her.
"I'm not leaving. I'm coming with you."'
I tell her.
It's her turn for her jaw to drop.
"You can't be serious. There's nothing for you to do, you'll be totally bored..."
She tries to come up with another reason.
"I'm sure I'll find something to do Kitty Kat." I show her a big smirk as she growls at me and gets out the car with me following her.
Katherine's POV

I can not believe Stefan! He moves into MY house, he insists of getting to know MY daughters, and now he's coming with me to MY job.
I'm currently at the front desk checking a chemotherapy patient in when Lana walks up to me. I've barley met her but I already don't like her. She's too noisy.
"Hey Kate." She greets snootily.
I roll my eyes at the nickname as the patient walks away.
"What is it Lana?" I ask her, being prickly.
"You brought that hottie in right? The one with the green eyes and muscles for days?" She questions, looking off with wide eyes. I follow her gaze.
"I'm sorry what are we looking at?"
She snaps back into reality.
"I just thought you should know he in the children's wing and won't leave."
I sigh and get up.
"I'll handle it."
I walk all the way to the other side of the hospital on the third floor.
As I enter the main playroom I hear music. I slow down and walk in seeing Stefan playing the guitar with the kids. I smile and watch the kids happy faces.
As the song ends Stefan looks up and sees me. He smiles.
"Hey Kitty, care to join in?" He asks with a genuine smile.
"I don't think I'd be very helpful." I shy away towards the door.
"Come on. Hey kids help me get Kitty to sing." He plays.
The children start begging and Stefan is pleading like a four year old. I decide to throw him a bone.
"Do you know how to play the piano?"
He smiles and walks over to the small piano next to him. I take his seat.
"Okay is everyone ready?" I tease. They all give an exasperated sigh, Stefan included.
"Alright let's start, Amazing Grace Steffy."
He begins playing. I twirl my fingers and he catches on and quickens the pace.

"Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found
Was blind, but now I see.

'Twas Grace that taught my heart to fear,
And Grace my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils, and snares
I have already come.
'Tis Grace hath brought me safe thus far
And Grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me.
His Word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures.

When we've been there ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun,
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we'd first begun."

I've pulled a little girl wearing a little winter cap onto my lap and Stefan has two little kids sitting next to him on the piano seat.
Everyone starts clapping after I finish. I blush as I see Stefan's grin. I've never sung in front of him before. I've always been too nervous.
Ugh, why am I blushing?
I don't have feeling for him anymore.


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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 15, 2017 ⏰

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