The Father

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Elijah: Katerina who is the father?
Katherine: You don't need to worry about it.
Klaus: Why are you afraid to tell us?
Katherine: I'm not telling you because it doesn't matter. I'm not even telling the father.
The Mikaelson's look surprised.
Kol: He has the right to know.
I know he does.
Katherine: No he doesn't. He doesn't want anything to do with me so he gave up the right to my child.
The guys look at the ground.
Katherine: Whatever. I'm out of here.
I head towards the grand foyer. Kol appears in front of me.
Kol: Katerina,
Katherine: Kol.
Kol: He doesn't have to be involved but you should still tell him.
Katherine: Why do you care so much? The only time you ever cared about me was when I was human. Don't you remember?
Kol was the one who told me about Klaus's plan to break the curse.
Kol: Of course I remember. No one forgets you.
Katherine: I'm leaving.
I walk out the door where Klaus is waiting.
Katherine: Oh please.
I walk around him and drive away. (Taking one of the Mikaelson's cars but still.) I get on the phone with Nadia.
Katherine: Nadia, I need your help.
Nadia: What's wrong?
Katherine: Meet me at the airport, and bring your bags.
Nadia: I'm on my way.
I reach the airport in the next town and walk in to see Nadia waiting with Stefan.
Katherine: Why did you bring him?
Stefan: Why are you leaving Katherine?
Katherine: I don't have any reason to stick around.
Stefan: Come on Katherine...
Katherine: No Stefan! You rejected me so you could keep pinning for Elena. You don't want me around so consider this my parting gift. Literally.
Stefan: Katherine-
Katherine: No Stefan! I've loved you for years but you don't even care. So I'm done Stefan. Do whatever you want with your life just leave me out of it.
Stefan gives me a defeated look.
Katherine: I love you Stefan. And goodbye.
I walk past him and Nadia follows.
Nadia: Are you okay?
Katherine: I'm fine.
Nadia: Katherine what is this about?
I turn back to look at Stefan.
Katherine: I'll tell you once we get in the air.
After a while we board the plane to Bulgaria.
Nadia: Now will you tell me what's going on with you?
Katherine: Sigh, I'm pregnant.
Nadia's eyes widen.
Nadia: I'm going to have a sibling?
Katherine: Yes you are.
Nadia: And Stefan's the father right?
Katherine nods.
Nadia: Why didn't you tell him?
Katherine: He doesn't want anything to do with me. So he doesn't want anything to do with my child.
Nadia: He still has a right to know.
Katherine: You're not the first person whose said that to me today. I just don't want any more trouble than I'm going to get raising this baby.
Nadia: How are you going to afford this?
Katherine: Oh don't worry. I'll probably be able to guilt a Mikaelson into helping me.
Nadia: I'll be with you too.
Katherine: Thank you.
We spend the rest of the flight talking, mostly about the baby.
Once we land I dial my phone. Kol answers.
Kol: Hello?
Katherine: Hi handsome.
Kol: Well it's nice to hear from you hottie. What do you need?
Katherine: Since you're so kind, and strong, and attractive-
Kol: Although love these things are true just ask me what you're going to ask me.
Katherine: You families pretty wealthy so I was wondering if you could loan me some money? Just until I get started.
Kol: You are having a child so I guess it would be the right thing to do.
Katherine: Please Kol.
Kol: Oh alright. But if you want my opionion,
Katherine: I know I'm going to have to listen to this aren't I?
Kol: Yes.
Katherine: Sigh. Fine.
Kol: I'm happy to help but you should ask the father. Whoever it is.
Katherine: I already told him to leave me alone for good.
Kol: Katerina who is it?
Katherine: It's Stefan Salvatore.
Kol: Alright Stefan! But wait, vampires can't procreate.
Katherine: Trust me I'm still trying to figure that out.
Kol: Alright well, where are you?
Katherine: Varna Bulgaria.

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