This can not be happening

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Katherine's POV:
I'm with Rebekah and she's driving us to who knows where. Stefan and Elijah made Klaus promise not to kill me for some reason. So instead he's torturing me by making me spend time with his nightmare of a sister. Rebekah turns on the radio to Green Day.
Katherine: Are you kidding? Green Day?
Rebekah: What? I love this band.
Katherine: Everyone does but not when the Plain White T's are on.
I change the radio and blast the volume.
Rebekah: Seriously?
Katherine: Everyone likes Hey There Delilah you idiot.
Rebekah: Don't call me an idiot. At least I don't dress like a hooker.
Katherine: Just shut up and listen.
Rebekah stops talking. It's weird but half way through the song Rebekah and I are singing along to it. Once it ends we look at each other.
Rebekah: We never speak of this again.
Katherine: Really? I thought we could start a girl group and go on tour. We could be like banana-rama you know like tangerine-a-Rama or
Rebekah: Shut up.
Katherine: Of course we're not telling anyone. Trust me I want people to know less than you.
Rebekah: I'm not sure that's possible.
We drive for a while longer in silence.
Katherine: I have a question. Why are you spending time with me? I doubt it's because you want too.
Rebekah: Sigh. I ticked off Nik and he's punishing me.
Katherine: Well this is the alternative to him killing me so I'm good. What did you do to make Klaus so angry with you?
Rebekah: I was angry with him and threw him off a clock tower.
Katherine: Oh nice.
Rebekah: Shut up.
We continue driving until we reach a seafood restaurant.
Katherine: Seafood? I haven't eaten it since the 90s.
Rebekah: I miss it.
We walk in and order our food. Once we start eating I feel nauseous.
Katherine: I think there's something wrong with the food.
Rebekah: Why?
I begin to feel light headed. I run outside and around the building to the dumpsters. I start throwing up.m
Rebekah: Ew. You could have told me you we're allergic.
Katherine: I'm not. I've been able to eat it before.
Rebekah: Then what's different this time?
Katherine: I don't know.
Wait. No! No way you have got to be kidding me.
Katherine: Hey Rebekah, can pregnant women eat seafood?
Rebekah: Of course. Why are asking-
We both give each other a look of realization.
Rebekah: Oh come on! I've always wanted to be a mother it is so unfair that you get to be one!
Katherine: Trust me I wasn't aiming for this.
Rebekah: Wait, we don't even know if you're pregnant. The seafood may just be bad.
Katherine: Oh yeah.
That gives me a sliver of hope.
Rebekah: We should bring you to a doctor just to be sure.
Katherine: Rebekah we are not friends. I can do this myself.
Rebekah: Fine. Just to make it easier for you though I'll send a group text to everyone to tell them to might be pregnant.
Katherine: No!
Rebekah smirks.
Katherine: Ugh fine. You can come.
Rebekah: Great I'll make an appointment.
Rebekah calls a clinic to make the appointment while I continue throwing up.
Rebekah: Hey is you period late?
Katherine: Sigh, 9 days.
Rebekah: Great thanks.
I really hope this is just bad seafood. I can not be pregnant!
Rebekah: They have an opening in an hour. Let's go.
Katherine: Going.
I stumble into the car as Rebekah drives off.
Rebekah: So, how are you feeling?
Katherine: Let's just not do small talk.
Rebekah: Fine.
We drive in silence until we reach the clinic. We get out of the car and walk into the clinic and the front desk.
Rebekah: Hello we're here to see Dr. Joanna.
Secretary: Name?
Rebekah: Mikaelson.
Secretary: Thank you. Just fill out these forums and hand them back and the doctor will be with you in a moment.
Rebekah: Thank you.
We go over to the waiting room and sit down. For the first time in years I actually use my real name. Katerina Petrova. Not a lot of people know my real name so I figure that I'm safe.
After the papers are filled out I give them back to the front desk. She tells Rebekah and I to walk down the hallway and into the examination room.
Dr.Joanna: Hello how are you?
Katherine: Nervous.
Dr.Joanna: Well there is a chance you're not pregnant. Why do you think you are?
Katherine: I'm 9 days late on my period and I'm really not good with seafood.
Dr.Joanna: Well if you could just hop up on the table we can get started.
I jump up on the table as she does an examination.
Dr. Joanna: Well, your 1 month pregnant Miss.Petrova.
My head starts to spin. Soon everything goes black.
I wake up and see Kol Mikaelson standing over me.
Katherine: Hi hottie.
Kol: Hi mommy.
I glare at him as he helps me up.
Katherine: Shut up Kol.
Kol: I never thought out of everyone "you" would get pregnant.
Katherine: It's not like I planned it or anything.
Klaus and Elijah walk in with Klaus smirking.
Klaus: Hello mother to be.
Katherine: I'm going to kill Rebekah.
Rebekah: Sorry!
Rebekah yells from another room.
Kol: She's too scared to come out.
Katherine: She should be.
Elijah: Katerina we need to know something. Who is the father?

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