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Stefan's POV:
Katherine: Stefan meet your daughters.
Stefan: Wait, what? Katherine what are you talking about? These are wolves we have to go!
Katherine: Oh calm down Stefan. They won't hurt you. The wolves, instinctively know that you're their father. You're kind of like an alpha male really.
Stefan: And the ring...
Katherine looks, guilty, maybe. I've never seen her look guilty, especially when she is.
Katherine: It's just in case something "does" happen. The ring stops the venom.
I'm still confused. Wait...
Stefan: Did you only want me to meet them tonight so they wouldn't remember me?
A look of guilt flashes over her. Wow, Katherine never looks guilty. Even when she is guilty, she always hid it.
Katherine: They've had enough change lately Stefan. The three of them have been through enough. I'm not sprinting you on them.
Stefan: Katherine, they are just as much my daughters as yours.
Katherine: I know Stefan! I know!
The wolves start growling.
Katherine: Let's go talk in my room.
Stefan: Alright.
I follow Katherine through the house and into her room.

Her room is red with a large bed and like four windows

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Her room is red with a large bed and like four windows.
Stefan: No offence but, how can you afford this?
Katherine: You know, friends.
Stefan: Okaaay. Who?
Katherine: It doesn't concern you.
Stefan: Anything that concerns my daughters concerns me.
Katherine: Oh stop acting all dad like Stefan! They haven't even met you yet.
Stefan: That's not my fault!
Katherine: Let's just, get back to discussing our, situation.
Stefan: Whose paying for this?
Katherine: Sigh, Rebekah was with me when I found out I was pregnant. And the rest of the Mikaelson's found out so...
I finally realize whose paying for this.
Stefan: The Mikaelson's are paying for all of this?
She just nods, her eyes aren't leaving the ground.
Katherine: I couldn't do all of this by myself and, I didn't want to go to you for help. So,
Stefan: So you let your sworn enemy pay for you and our daughters?
Katherine: Klaus is hybrid now, and while we have our, arguments, he actually cares about the girls. They're even friends with Hope, which you have to admit is kind of a ridiculous name.
Klaus: Okay so, what exactly do you and Nadia do?
Katherine: She and I are hospital secretary's.
Stefan: Okay.
I actually surprised Katherine has a job. I guess being human she has too. Wait,
Stefan: Katherine, how are the girls werewolves?
Katherine: Sigh, my mother was a werewolf. My father was Traveller.
Stefan: Why are you not in wolf form?
I'm not sure Katherine is really telling me the truth.
Katherine: My mother had a moonlight ring. It spares werewolves from the full moon. I only have one though.
Stefan: So why don't you give it to one of the girls?
Is Katherine still that selfish?
Katherine: I have to care of them Stefan. I can't do that as well in wolf from. I think.
Stefan: But aren't they hybrids?
Katherine: Trybrids. We can change at any time but, full moons are strong. We can't control ourselves as well.
Stefan: Trybrids?
Katherine: I'm a Traveller Stefan. What do you think keeps me so young? Moisturizer?
Now I feel kind of bad. Of course Katherine has a reason. And I feel bad for forgetting her Traveller heritage.
Katherine: So, you can start come over for dinner twice a week. We'll say your an old friend. If things go well you may be able to come over 3 times a week and possibly advance that to more.
Stefan: How about every day of the week?
Katherine: No Stefan, that's too quick.
Stefan: I have years to make up for Katherine.
Katherine: Well what do you expect me to do Stefan?
Stefan: How about I move in?
Katherine looks at me like I'm a crazy person.
Katherine: You're a crazy person.
Called it.
Stefan: What Katherine? I'd be able to spend way more time with the girls.
Katherine: Too much. What am I supposed to say? Hey girls you're father's moving in with us by the way I'm checking myself into a mental hospital!
Stefan: Well I could take care of the girls then.
Katherine looks pissed. I may have gone a little too far.
Stefan: Okay I'm sorry. That was a little over the line.
Katherine: It's fine. And I guess, if you don't tell them "anything", you can move in.
Wow. I'm pretty taken a back. And it's probably obvious due to Katherine's smirk.
Stefan: Thanks Katherine.
Katherine: I guess it's the least I can do.
Stefan: So, where can I sleep?
Katherine: I haven't made up the guest room yet, so you can sleep on the couch for tonight.
Stefan: Okay, what about the wolf problem?
Katherine: The wolves will know you're they're father. They won't hurt you.
Stefan: Okay Kitty Kat.
I like teasing her. She glares at me.
Katherine: Don't call me that. Now we need to work out a story.
Stefan: What story?
Katherine: About who you are?
Stefan: Can't we just say we're friends with benefits?
I smirk at her. She gasps at and punches my shoulder.
Katherine: Stefan!
Stefan: I'm kidding.
Katherine: What about, you're my old, gay best friend.
Stefan: Katherine!
Katherine: I'm kidding.
Stefan: How about, oh I don't, the truth?
Katherine: Come on Stefan. Take it from me, you're always better off with a really good lie.
Stefan: Fine. Do you have any other ideas?
Katherine: How about, you're an old friend-
Stefan: Who you're totally in love with?
She punches my arm. That "actually" did hurt.
Katherine: You're an old friend whose down on his luck, and staying with us until he gets back on his feet?
Stefan: So I'm a loser?
Katherine: Oh look, it's true is in reality and fiction.
Stefan: Katherine!
Katherine: I'm kidding. Okay, you're just staying with us because you needed a break from your old town of, Hartford, and your friends there.
Stefan: Okay. Thank you for being reasonable.
Katherine: Your welcome.
Stefan: So, what do you want to do now Kitty Kat?
I wiggle my eyebrows at her.
Katherine: Push you out of the window.
That's a different reaction then what I was expecting. Katherine use to have the habit of jumping on me whenever I wanted, or didn't, want too.
Katherine: Not tonight Steffy. But, I do have alcohol.
Stefan: What kind?
Katherine: What do you want?
Stefan: Do you have any blood?
Katherine: I have four vampire daughters Stefan, of course I have blood. Animal and Human. I'll go get you some.
Stefan: Thanks.
She walks out and comes back with a large needle.
Stefan: Katherine what are you doing?
Katherine: Helping.
She shoves the needle into my leg and I feel so pleasure and pass out.

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