"Moms in the kitchen," I point and she leaves.

"How's it going?" Jeff asks with a smile on his face.

"Good," I shrug, "my dad wants to talk to you about the wedding. He wanted to know if you and Gemma wanted a limo or a carriage?"

"Knowing Gemma," he begins to laugh, "I'm sure we'll have to go with the carriage." I laugh along and he pats my back before leaving to find my dad.

"Harry," I turn and see Marcel coming down the stairs. I begin to walk away into the hallway to avoid him.

"Harry," his voice becomes louder. I pick up my pace and end up in the arcade room. Marcel pushes through the door and locks it behind him.

"Get out," I point at the door.

"Why are you being so mean to me?" He frowns, "you were never this mean to me! You're becoming a bully!"

"I don't care right now, okay?" I scowl at him, "just leave."

"No," he refuses.

"Fine," I shrug, "then I will." I try to push passed him to let me out but he pushes me back into the room.

"I'm not leaving or letting you leave until you tell me what's bothering you," he sighs, "You used to tell me everything."

"Don't act like you don't know what you did?" I confront him.

"I wouldn't be asking you if I did!" he yells.

"I saw you," I tell back, "you kissed her!"

"Awe shit," Marcel curses, "it's not what you think!" he shakes his hands in front of me.

"Then what should I think Marcel? You know the feelings I have for her! How could you do that? You're my brother! I could expect that from Ed but from you...from you, never!"

"It's not what it looked like I swear! I didn't do it to hurt you!" he defends, "please just let me explain! I have a perfect explanation for this. I swear! And it's the honest truth."

"Why should I believe you after what you did?" my chest rises and falls rapidly.

"Because I've never lied to you before," he looks at me, "please."

"Fine," I agree.

Edwards POV

"You look fat," I tell Gemma and she swats my arm.

"Because I'm pregnant you idiot," she insults.

"You've gained weight," I begin to tease her more.

"Eddy," she turns with a mad facial expression, "shut the hell up and go set the table." she hands me the place mats and pushes me to the dining area.

I sigh and place each may neatly like how mum likes it. God someone kill me.

"Need help?" Jeff comes in and begins putting plates on the place mats.

"Oh wouldn't that be lovely," I roll my eyes and start with the silverware.

"Why are you always so angry?" he asks. He doesn't seem to care that he's asked me.

"Because people piss me off," I honestly reply.

"Tia piss you off too?" he chuckles and puts wine glasses next to each plate.

"All the time," I laugh along.

"Yeah. That's how I was when I met your sister. She used to piss me off constantly then I suddenly became more delicate," he admits with a red embarrassed face.

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