Meeting The Marano's... Again

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Still didn't come back. Talk every night and face time's whenever they can


Still didn't come back. Talk's once in a while. When they get the chance


Still didn't come back. Rarely talked and never texted. 


Still didn't come back. Who's The Lynch's??

Vanessa's POV/

     I wake up and walk to my bathroom. I wake in and brush my hair. My hair is everywhere. Dam I'm a catch aren't I? I say in my mind. Hi I'm Vanessa Marano and I'm 24. I have a sister named Laura who's 21 and a daughter named Riley. She's 3 and she's the cutest. She has blonde hair and hazel eyes. I look at her and her father comes to my mind. Riker Lynch. He said he'd be back in 9 months and it's been 3 years. Whenever Riley ask's about her father I break down crying. So enough about Riker anyway I live in L.A still. Yah still 'cause my Riker went on tour with his band and his whole family. The Lynch's. We stayed with them for a while but they left. So me, Laura and Riley moved out.

     Before we lost touch with them I texted Mark and Stormie one more time and said that we left and that their keys they gave us is in a hiding place. Me, Laura and Riley left. We didn't move far away from their house tho. Actually it's right in front of it. We figured that if we left anything we could have just walked in so yah. Our house has 3 bed rooms. We have 2 bathrooms. One upstairs and the other downstairs. The rooms are upstairs and the kitchen, living room and dinning table are down stairs. Not a bug house but we can afford it. 

Laura's POV/

     I wake up and rub my eyes. 9:45 "Dam" I say and put on my fuzzy slippers on. "Auntie Waura?" (Auntie Laura) I hear Riley, my niece say. I walk in and she's standing up in her crib. "What's wrong babe?" I say to her. Yah me and her have a special relationship. That's my nick-name I gave her, babe. Vanessa gave her baby girl, or all those pet names. "I'm hungwy" (I'm hungry) She says to me. I smile and pick her up and put her on my hip. I walk into Ness's room. "Ness, Riley's hungry" I say to her. She nods and gets up and we all walk to the kitchen. 

     Vanessa gets out a bowl and she pours milk in it and grabs the Honey Nut Cheerios and mixes it so it can be soft. Riley gets outta my arms and sits down. "Oh baby here lemme put you in your high-chair" Vanessa says picking Riley up and strapping her into her chair. "Thank wou" (Thank you) Riley says and starts eating. I hear cereal to and so does Vanessa. "You got work today or I fill in?" I ask Vanessa. We both work at the same place.She brings her bowl to the sink.

     "Yah Raini says its my turn today" She says. Yep, I'm still in touch with Raini and Calum. Raini likes Calum and Calum likes Raini but they don't know that yet. Raini is actually the manager of a fancy restaurant so she set us both jobs.Vanessa gets up and runs to her room and changes. "See ya later and make sure you take care of Riley" Vanessa says and leaves. She doesn't trust me with her yet 0_o 

Vanessa's POV/

     I leave the house and go in my car and leave. I arrive at Raini's restaurant and I park. Only Raini would be manager of this. She's into places like this. Ya know, she's a bossing people around and stuff XD. I wake in and she walks up to me. "Hey Ness how ya feelin?" She tells me pulling me into a hug. "Ehh, I'm fine" I tell her checking in and putting on my black clothes and apron. That's right, me and Laura are waitresses at a fancy restaurant. At least's its a fancy one right? Nobody recognizes me from "Switched At Birth" Anymore 'cause its been 3 years since we did our last take. 

     "How's Riley?" She says to me giving me some menu's. "She's fine" I imply. "Has she been asking about he dad lately?" She asks me. I sigh and say "Yah. I just don't know what to say when she does. The fact that she doen't have a father anymore, what kind of 3 year old would wanna know that?" I tell her. "Did you say anything about Riker?? Like where he is?" Raini says sitting down. "Not really, the only thing I sad was that he left a weak after she was born" I tell her. "Your gonna have to tell her sooner or later" She tells me. "I choose later" I  say and start the day.

     What do you guys think?? Over 20 votes for next chapter. Yah, I'm getting my hopes up but ya know, whatever. It could be 10 and I would have started the next chapter. So ya know, you guys just met The Marano's. Nice life or naw??? LOL Nah, I'm not ghetto like that. Anyway next chapter is gonna be you guys seeing how The Lynch's work out. Is the story worth continuing???


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