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**Kirstie POV**
At the hospital

Where am I?

What's that loud beeping noise?

The last thing I remember is my dad was going to shoot Jeremy, but then I jumped in front and took the bullet for him.

Am I dead?

I can't be!

Maybe I should try and open my eyes.

The lights are too bright! I don't want to open them up now.

Is everyone here with me?

I can't hear anyone in the room with me.

I must be alone or they aren't here yet.

I just hope Jeremy and everyone else is okay.

After all I am the reason we all are going through this right now.

Ouch! My side hurts.

That's probably where I got shot.

Wherever Jeremy is I hope he gets here soon.

**Jeremy POV**
We all are sitting in the hospital waiting to hear anything about Scott and Kirstie.

I'm so worried about both of them.

Scott got beat up pretty bad and they don't know if Kirstie is going to regain consciousness after she took that bullet for me.

Josh is here waiting with us to hear word too.

Kirstie's dad was taken to jail and her mom is on a flight out here right now after I texted her about what's going on.

"How are you doing?" Josh asks sitting down next to me.

"I'm alright. Can I ask you something?" I ask Josh.

"Sure what's up?" Josh says.

"Why the change of heart? Why did you help us get out of there?" I ask.

"I didn't want to go back to jail. He bailed me out of jail and told me if I brought Kirstie to him, then he would make sure I wouldn't go back there." He explains.

"What happened when you brought her to him?" I ask.

"He called up one of his friends back in the state and arranged to have them pick me up and brought back to jail. Kirstie always said to never trust him and I didn't listen." He says.

"Wow! I can't believe he would promise you one thing and then not keep his promise." I say.

"Yeah. Then when I heard the gunshots come from his office, I panicked! Then when I walked in and seen Kirstie fall to the floor, I knew he had to be stopped." He says.

"Well, thank you very much. After all you put Kirstie and I through, I'm glad to see this nice side to you. I'll make sure you won't go back to jail." I say.

"We'll see about that." He says.

Just then the doctor walks into the waiting room with news about Scott and Kirstie.

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