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**Kirstie POV**
Earlier today, Jeremy proposed to me in front of the Eiffel Tower! It was so romantic and so magical. It was like something straight out of a fairy tail.

When I put the picture up of me with my engagement ring on twitter and Instagram, pentaholics and Jerstie shippers went crazy!

I'm just glad I have such supportive fans! Not long after I posted the picture, my mom gave me a call.

"Congratulations, sweetie!" She says cheerfully through the phone.

"Thanks, mom! This was so unexpected." I say.

"I knew it was coming. Jeremy came to me to ask for my blessing with Mitch for support." She says.

"Oh so that's what he was doing when he said he was on a business trip. I knew something was up I just didn't know what." I say jokingly.

"Well, in going to get back to making dinner. See you in a few days sweetie." My mom says before hanging up the phone.

Oh yeah, and I'm lucky to have such an amazing and supportive mother too.

**Mitch POV**
"Oh my god! Kirstie just got engaged!" Scott yells through the hotel room.

He walks up to Avi and Kevin to show him the picture that Kirstie sent him.

Great. Now that Jeremy has proposed, it's time to put the plan in action. Protect Kirstie from her dad.

"I knew it was going to happen!" Kevin shouts.

"Well duh! Why else would Jeremy come all the way out here if he wasn't going to do that." Avi say.

"What do you think, Mitch?" Scott asks.

"I'm so happy for her! She deserves all the happiness in the world and Jeremy is just the right guy to make her happy." I say.

I quickly got out my phone and text Jeremy to see where he's at.

Jeremy and Mitch's texts

Mitch: where are you at?
Jeremy: out to lunch with Kirstie. Why?
Mitch: I need to talk to you about you know her dad
Jeremy: oh yeah. Okay I'll come to your hotel room when we get back
Mitch: I'll be waiting

**Jeremy POV**
I was having so much fun with Kirstie and just spending time with her, I almost forgot about her dad and how I plan to protect her from him.

I'm sure he won't do nothing, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Shortly after Mitch texted me, I got a text from a strange number and I was hesitant to open it at first.

You didn't listen. Now you pay.

There can only be one person who would've sent that.

Kirstie's dad.

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