"What was your nightmare about?" She wrapped her hand around my wrist and pulled me over to her bed as we sat across from each other, facing one another.

I sighed loudly and decided that now was a better time than ever to tell her what the nightmare was about, to get it all done and over with. She wouldn't stop bugging me till I told her anyway, "Well."

"Well?" She pushed on.

"It started while I was in the car after the incident at the beach. I dreamed that I woke up and only Harry was awake out of the seven out of us, especially since he was driving. When we got to the hotel, there was no one. No paparazzi, no screaming fans, absolutely no one. Harry told me that this was a lucky streak and to wake you all up, which we did, and go inside. As we were walking I asked everyone to listen, you said you heard nothing, and that was exactly it! There was absolutely nothing to hear! That freaked me out, as we went inside the hotel, there still was no noise, no people, nothing besides the seven of us walking towards the elevator. I shrugged it off and took a shower before going to bed. I was shaken awake by something, but no one was there. It was about three in the morning and you weren't in your bed, which I thought was odd. I then went to the kitchen to see if anyone was in there but was stopped when I heard a scream. After hearing it a second time, but louder, I determined it was coming from Niall's room. Opening the door, I saw all of you tied up and Brad standing in front of you all. I gasped which caused Brad to look at me, he held me up against the wall and threatened me. Told me it was too late to stay alive, he knew I didn't want him. When I thought that he was going to kill me, he ended up killing Niall. He sliced my leg with a knife and was about to shoot me with the same gun he shot Niall with, but as he pulled the trigger, I woke up." I finished with tears running down my face.

Looking up, I saw Ariana having tears threatening to pour down her face. She had a look of worry and concentration on her face and it confused me all so much, why was Ariana crying?

"You okay Ari?"

"Um, yeah. It's just that-" She stopped, trying to stop crying. But that just made her end up crying two times harder than when she was before.

"Hey, it's all okay. Why are you crying?" I asked, getting more worried by the second. What was bothering her so much that she was crying this badly.

"It's just," She paused, taking a deep breath so she was able to talk. "I had the same dream a couple days ago. Just instead of Brad, it was my ex boyfriend Tyler and it was Harry and I in place of Niall and you."

Wow, she had the same dream as I did a day or two before I had it. Is that supposed to mean something?

"It's okay Ariana," I hugged her as she finally calmed down and the tears stopped. "You must be really shaken up but you have to remember in the end that it was just a silly nightmare. The only thing that is scaring me now is that we both had the same dream, doesn't that seem a little fishy to you?"

"It does, but lets worry about this a little later today. Right now, lets go to the boys who are probably getting mad at us for waiting this long and have a nice, fun and relaxing day at the beach."

"You're right, let's go" We stood up and walked out into the living room to see five annoyed boys. "You five all right?"

"Not really, we've been waiting for you two for twenty minutes." Louis complained, "What took you two so long?"

"Well you know you could've came in and got us, we were just having a conversation" I stated in a 'duh' tone.

"That's what took you two so long? You were having a CONVERSATION!? Why couldn't you talk in the car?" He said, getting a little mad but you could easily tell he was joking the whole time he spoke his sentence.

The Coffee Girl (Diall Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant