The News

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I hate the rain.

That's what I decide as I stare out at the crying sky. Raindrops echo in puddles formed in the street while the sky sags with heaviness. The clouds billow their gray-selves, hanging down low.

I stand under my school's extended roof, looking at my other lingering classmates. Most of them get picked up from high school by parents or they drive themselves but that's not my case. I walk home everyday.

And trust me, it sucks. Especially on days like this.

"Camila," I feel someone's hand on my shoulder. I turn to look at a familiar face. It's my friend, Noah. "Why don't you just call your mom to come pick you up?"

"It's okay, I don't want to be a bother. I'll just walk home." I smile sadly, casting my gaze away from the brown-haired boy.

"Are you sure?" Noah asks, concerned. "I can ask my mom if she can pick you up as well when she comes to get me. You know how much she likes you."

I laugh softly, shaking my head nevertheless. "I said I didn't want to be a bother, Noah. But thank you for your kind offer."

"Anytime, Mila." Noah grins, his face bright even on this cloudy day. "That's what best friends are for, right?"

"You know it." I laugh, punching his shoulder gently. "You're the best, you know."

"I definitely know." Noah retorts cockily, ruffling his own hair. His gaze then departs from mine and he looks off into the distance. "My mom is here. Are you sure you don't wanna come?"

"I'm sure." I promise, smiling. "Now, you better go before she drives off. Don't give her the chance of a lifetime."

"Whatever, dork." Noah rolls his eyes, shoving me softly in the side. "I'll see you tomorrow. Remember, don't sleep in and come late. We have our presentation in history today."

"I'll be at school on time tomorrow," I chuckle, gripping onto my backpack straps tightly. "I promise."

"You better keep that, Cabello." Noah retorts, his smile crooked. His blue eyes shine in the overcast lighting being brought down by the clouds. His mother's car horn honks loudly. "I better go."

"Don't drown while out there!" I shout to him as he spins around and sprints toward his mom.

"I should be saying that to you!" He calls out to me, waving quickly. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

"See you!" I yell back, smiling contently. He gives me one last goofy smile before disappearing into his mom's gray car.

"I told you." A different voice says from behind me. I spin around to face Carter, a pretty girl in my math class. We're close friends but she doesn't eat lunch with Noah and I.

"Told me what?" I ask, crinkling my nose at the blonde girl. She rolls her hazel eyes, scoffing at me.

"That you and Noah would make a cute couple." Carter squeals, taking my hands in her's. "Didn't you see how he smiled at you?"

"Carter," I whine, shaking my head. "You know we are just friends. Give it up." I try to yank my hands from her but she holds on.

"Feelings can change, Camila." Carter warns me, her hazel eyes glittering happily. She is always one to try to get me a date.

"Yeah, but they can't change if they aren't there in the first place." I retort, lifting an eyebrow.

"You don't know that. Noah might like you." Carter insists, smiling a dazzling grin. "Ask him out."

"No!" I reply, laughing softly. "That brain of yours is messed up. What did that science test do to it today?"

"Haha, funny." Carter deadpans. "C'mon, he looks at you like you're the best thing he's ever seen."

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