I'd Tap that!

504 103 47

I'm kidding. I would not tap that. I wouldn't touch that with your...wait, oh okay, I get it. You are talking about that stupid app (TAP) Wattpad came up with a while back. Seriously Wattpad you just need to grow up. I have been waiting for quite a while now for you to do things that actually promote good writing, but you just simply refuse. I get that this new app might be fun, but all it does is teach people that writing doesn't mean anything. Messaging is not writing. It really isn't. Sure you could create a cute little dialogue with it, but that is not writing. It's just graffiti with words. And not the good graffiti like you see in New York subway system. I'm talking about the kind you see in your public bathroom at the local park.

I was another site the other day (yes Wattpad I am cheating on you)  when this guy was ragging on Wattpad

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I was another site the other day (yes Wattpad I am cheating on you) when this guy was ragging on Wattpad. For some reason I felt compelled to defend Wattpad. The guy complained that Wattpad did not care about good writing. I agreed with him. Wattpad simply does not give a crap about good writing. But, I argued, they never said they did. They simply let the readers decide what good writing is. And to be honest, that is probably the way it should be.

Having said that, it inevitably results in really crappy writing becoming some of the most popular stories. Every time I read on my phone I get recommendations for reading in between chapters. It is nearly always stories with millions of reads. I try to read some of them I really do. But 9 times of 10 when I look at one of those stories it will inevitably some of that standard cliché drool written by someone in Junior High who probably slept through English class. And before you guys get all crazy about that, I am not going to argue that everyone with millions of reads on Wattpad does not know how to write. Some do. I know both of them. lol

Now, again, that is not your fault Wattpad. You didn't write this and you didn't vote for this. Those psycho readers out there are the ones voting and reading and doing all those things that make this crap popular. Bless their little hearts. More power to them I say.

But, and this is a huge but(t), they aren't the ones putting those stories in my recommendation file. Or on everyone else's for that matter. You are. You put that crap in front of us so we can join the masses and take a look at this crap. What the hell is wrong with you? I know some of you at Wattpad have brains. I know both of you. lol. But seriously, why not recommend something that people that have not been read a billion times? Or really just anyone that could form a sentence would be nice. Thanks.

Speaking of crapola. What the bloody hell is up with your Twitter Wattpad account? Please let me know if it is going to remain just a love fest for the Wattpad 4, Wattpad Stars, or your Ambassadors. It seems like the only people you give any publicity to is people on those lists. It seems that links to only their stories show up there. They probably have a combined number of followers in the millions so yeah, I can see where they would need your help. I get it. Promote the popular ones. It makes you money. But hey, why don't you pick a day out of the week, no, just an hour out of a day of the week and promote a story because it is good? I mean real good. And not because a million snot nose kids voted for it but because you got a seasoned critic or well known author to read it and they said it was good. How about that? Yep, I didn't think so.

Look Wattpad I'm just messing around. I don't expect you to change. I know you are just a website whose main concern is to make money. You have bills to pay. I get it. But if that is true I wish you would stop telling everyone that you are the "future of writing". Because that just makes me sad.

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