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Many writers on Wattpad suffer from the illusion that they can become famous writers. I understand that illusion. These people write well and tell good stories and therefore think they will someday become rich and famous doing it. But, of course, that is not true. Not because of lack of talent,but because of the lack of doing the things you need to become rich and famous. Writing well and telling good stories is just the beginning. Many writers don't seem to realize that.

Just like acting or singing there are many hugely talented people out there that will never be rich or famous. Those things require much more than just being good. They require work and a lot of luck.

Writers often are, well, just writers. They know nothing about editing, publishing, advertising, and promotion. There are many here on Wattpad who write and wonder when their big break will happen. They write hoping someone will find them. Some of them will wait forever I'm sure. Don't be one of them.

Just because you can write (even write well) does not mean you will be successful at it. You will have to do much more than be on Wattpad to get the right people see how good you are. You are going to go many other places and sell yourself. I know that sucks for many people. Many writers just want to sit at their desk, write, and then put it online and hope for the best. I am not sure what they think they are waiting for. Do they think someone will accidentally come across it and give them a call? What are the odds of that? Why not just send it to people that are actually looking for new writers?

Those that really want to make a living at this right now need to get out of here (Wattpad). Quit wasting your time here. Finish your book. Send it somewhere. Hell, send it several somewheres. Send it every where. Compile your poetry. Get all your short stories all together. Look up agents and publishers. Quit dragging your ass on Wattpad hoping someone finds you.

The problem with Wattpad (and others like it) is that people get comfortable with it. It's like that job you took to take a break from college but then you never went back. You settled. Wattpad wants you to stay. They make money when you stay. You need to do what is good for you. Get out of this comfortable place and go after your dreams of being a writer. You are in a rut here and it is slowing you down. Of course many people can do both but I think many more people cannot. Choose yourself.

That's not to say that Wattpad cannot be helpful to the writer. Of course it can. But I see way too many people get too damn comfortable just waiting here for something to happen. And yes miracles can happen. But I would bet that most famous writers out there today didn't rely on miracles. Most of them went out there and got some agent or publisher to notice them. If you want to stay on Wattpad please don't let Wattpad be the only thing you are doing. Do more than that to further your writing future. 

I have read many books on here that are just as good or even better than any book you could pull off a shelf at Barnes n Nobles. Many people here are that good. They are just too scared to try or don't know how. That's a rotten excuse. Google it and get out of here. You are getting too comfortable here.


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