Chapter 10

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"His name is Kovu, 18 years old," Case read the sign next to the gorgeous parrot in front of them. "Wow his still very young," Olivia showed great interest in the bird, "shut up just shut up, shut up," it squawked randomly, "uh, good bye..." she laughed and walked across to a breeder in the corner, "morning! would you be interested in buying one of these gorgeous Hyacinth macaw babies? $1000 for a limited time since its my last clutch and just need to get rid of them." The lady offered, "these birds are worth a lot more," she added even more convincing. "Thanks but I have a macaw already, plus i don't have that money, I have a nice Green Wing as you can see," she acted wisely. "She's a gorgeous one, I know I shouldn't be doing this but I have a way you could get one of my birds for free, my husband is in the reptile room, buy something from stand B1-2 and come back, I'll put this little girl on hold, if you do she is all yours, you get a cage, toys and the carrier with her." The lady continued sweetly, "no I couldn't, this isn't right, you are giving up a rare and expensive species for free!" she tried to walk away once more but the lady seemed hurt to be rejected. "Doing good things is what makes me happy, besides one day I will get something in return, maybe my life will be saved or a kind person gives me a amazing offer." This lady wouldn't give up. "Alright, we'll think about it." Case pushed Olivia along, "that was so nice of her," she finally spoke as Case returned to get his parrots. "Too sweet for such a creepy lady," he grinned awkwardly, "you got to stop being so paranoid all the time." She spoke with anger. He didn't reply, instead went ahead to the 'win a friend area'. "Why does this even exist?" Olivia asked as she caught up to him. "People think birds are prizes to be won," he whispered, "luckily I'm gonna save a few, I'm an expert at this game," he smirked and picked up a ball, "hey dude, you have to pay," the guy who owned the setup yelled at him warningly. "Yea, yea I got you," he handed 10 dollars to him, "that's 30 go's, you must be keen on getting this beauty," his eyes gleamed suspiciously. "Just throw it in the bucket, how easy." Case was tempted to say something but shut his mouth. "Go!" Olivia cheered, Case threw his first ball into the bucket, it landed nicely in the middle, following by the second and third. "What!?" the guy was in shock, "that's my boyfriend!" Olivia was proud, "uh here's your price," the guy grabbed out a green cheek conure from a crowded cage on the floor, the small parrot perched on his finger, his wings where clipped so he couldn't go anywhere. Case grabbed the bird from his hand and hold him in his arms, "I'm gonna give you a good home bud," he smiled. "you still have 8 go's, 27 balls," the guy continued. "Uh do I get a box or cage?" Case asked before continuing, "oh of coarse." Surprisingly he was handed a small cage. He was satisfied with it and continued, once again scoring 3 in the hole, he was upgraded to a green Ringneck parrot, he threw it in the cage with the conure, they didn't fight because they where used to being squashed with other birds. Olivia was horrified, "your encouraging cruelty," she mumbled, "I know, but at least I will know I'm helping the animals get a good home instead of being won and the person not knowing how to look after that parrot species." He insisted, by the end of the game he had a male Eclectus as well. "Wow your really good at this game bro, you should come back soon" the guy insisted. "No thanks, you don't treat these birds really good, mind if I take them all?" He frowned and walked away, the guy looked at his speechless, "harsh," he spat. "You know what! I'm done, take them, I'm a bad person," he sulked. Case turned at looked at him confused, he fell for it for a minute but then as he walked back the guy tricked him, "did you seriously think you could stop me, go home boy," he laughed. Case glared at him and resisted punching him but he truly wanted to. "Let it go, they will be fine," Olivia encouraged softly, he just nodded and they got to the bird room exit.

"Dogs and cats right this way," Lexie called to the two who had appeared in her sight. "I can see the sign thanks," Case snapped, "he is angry because he couldn't stop that cruel man from selling birds as prices for winning his stupid game." Olivia explained guiltily. "Yikes, no wonder, his the bird man of the town you know, watch him," she laughed in reply. "I can see that," she shuffled her leg nervously, "let's get these dogs to their play dates." Lexie took the lead and they released the dogs to do what they want, there was a dog 'chocolate' fountain, ball throwing dispensers, a ball pit, dog pool and a lot of different breeds. "Lets check out the puppies while they have their moment of paradise," Lexie suggested. "Ooo okay," Olivia ran towards the free puppies sign and picked up, what looked like, a blue heeler x boarder collie. "Gorgeous breeds, energetic and intelligent," she thought to herself. "Come on you can't do this..." she tried to put the dog back but she couldn't move, the dog was staring into her soul. "Uh Lexie look at this..." she was creeped out, Lexie turned and stared at the two who had eye contact, "oh my- she likes you, too much?" She didn't know what to say. "Creepy pup," Lexie snapped out of it and placed the dog on the floor, it jumped out of the playpen and followed her, "she wants you to adopt her, I think she chose you," Case explained with amusement. "No shit Sherlock!"

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