Chapter 8

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"Yoshi!" Olivia's heart was pounding from her chest as great rainbow wings flapped towards her, the beautiful bird squawked in delight as the girl threw a cat toy in the air, she caught it in her open talons. "Good girl!" Olivia rewarded her with a nut, perching her onto her arm and stroking her head. It had been 3 weeks and they already had a strong bond, Case and Olivia had become closer too. Lexie and Katie have joined in their animal loving squad. Birds crowded Olivia's small room. Jack, Yuki, Narla, Simba and Gismo sat on a huge bird tree and watched Olivia training her Green Wing Macaw, "Okay one more time!" Olivia threw the ball in the air one more time, Yoshi readily glided in the air and snatched it once again. "Your like an Eagle in disguise," Case commented, the macaw danced on the bed as she landed to show her appreciation for his praise. "Silly bird!" she squawked cheekily, the care taker entered the room silently at that moment, "Katie there's someone here to see you," her voice sounded nervous, Katie got up slowly, confused and scared. "Nooo," Olivia took a good guess of what is happening, "I'm being adopted???" everyone heard her shout from downstairs. They looked at each other sadly. "Well that's one less person to worry about," Maria laughed, joking around, Katie took it to heart though and rolled her eyes. "Hi I'm Cara Hayley, this is Richard Hayley, we are gonna be your new parents," the lady introduced with excitement, Katie tried to be happy but she didn't want to leave her friends. Everyone came down to say good bye to her, she was the only one who had no pets, that's the way things are, people want normal kids not freak animal lovers. "Its been a pleasure to meet you and become close," Olivia explained sadly. "Glad we ever got along at last," she laughed, "you will always be remembered," Lexie hugged her tightly, they had been through a lot together. "So, this is it?" Case shrugged not knowing what to feel, "I'm sorry for what happened, I hope you become a strong, smart girl and find true love and happiness in the future, don't let your past haunt you!" he prayed to her and gave her a hug of friendship. "I'll miss you guys, we will stay in contact," Katie promised, taking one last look at them and grabbing her stuff. Everyone watched hopelessly as she left without another word. "Who's hungry?" Maria sighed, cutting the sad silence, "oh me of course!" Olivia cheered, immediately getting her friend off her mind, food was her medicine, she'd always randomly walk around saying 'food is life'. It got kind of annoying for people but no one ever said anything. Olivia finished her last bite of lunch and ran back upstairs, she just remembered she had left all the birds unattended. They all flapped around as she entered, Claire ran around trying to catch them. She dramatically ran in and grabbed the cat, counting the birds to make sure they where all okay. Her eyes show relief as everyone was okay. Claire jumped out of her arms and ran into the walk in closet where her kitty litter tray was, Olivia shut the door after her. Yoshi flew towards her at that moment, she lifted her arm for her to perch. The colourful parrot turned her head, fluffing her feathers for a head scratch. Olivia always enjoyed giving her daily play time like this, after her fussing around she swung her around by her feet in a swinging rotation. Case walked in and stared at them weirdly, she didn't notice till Jack squawked like crazy and flew to him. "I didn't see you there," she awkwardly turned to bird up right and she flew back to her perch. "Don't worry i just got here," he laughed, wishing he had seen more, he was amused. "Since we have no more chores to do today what do you say we go on our afternoon walk, that is if I don't bore you yet." Case offered, starting to place harnesses on his birds, "sure, it will be the first time I get to take Yoshi out, she should be all good with a harness now, hopefully." Olivia thought quickly, she wondered over to her animal supplies cupboard and grabbed out a X-large aviator harness. Yoshi was hesitant but after a short fuss she finally excepted it and they where off. Storm and Midnight came along on their own harnesses and leashes. "Beach or park?" he asked curiously, "beach will do, I nice walk on the sandy surroundings is peaceful," she smiled, they both nodded excitedly. As they entered through the rusty gate and ventured down the concrete stairs, they where lead to the softness of the sandy ground. Olivia released the dogs and they ran along together with the birds flying beside their humans to keep up. "Wow look mummy, those kids are being cruel to those birds, shouldn't they be in the wild?" they where interrupted by the voice of an annoying little kid. "I completely agree with you, hey girl! come here!" Olivia stopped and frowned at the suspicious women, her anxiety rose. She stayed put, Case glanced at her with fear, it was like something had hit him. "Olivia, keep walking," he ordered quickly, speeding up his pace. They left the strange lady and her son behind, not looking back. "What's up?" Olivia asked, still trying to control her heart rate. "You know how I told you what happened to me... that's the lady who-". "wait it was a lady? but you said it was a m-". "She's a transgendered lady, that was a guy but now a women, she still was in the process back then." Case awkwardly explained with caution in his eyes. Olivia didn't know what to say, she just speechlessly stared at him nervously. "Lets head home, I knew this was a bad idea."

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