Chapter 6

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"Let's talk about what you like, what is your passion?" Case changed the subject and tried to be positive, before she could know anything he had to know who she is. "Animals I guess, I don't have any hobbies, I never played or had any human interaction, not even affection." Olivia started crying, her emotional heart burst. "I'm sorry," Case frowned, "don't be, I don't want anyone to think I'm weak," Olivia didn't feel anything, the conversation got deep. "I think I should tell you my story, I trust you even if we met yesterday," he slowly whispered. "Thanks," she blushed, "how I ended up here is a long story, I was walking across the dusted road of a city in Arizona, my mum and I always loved to go for ice cream, just us two, I never had a dad, he died when I was a baby. Anyways, so I was waiting for my mum across from the store on a yellow seat, little did I know this was gonna be the last time I saw her. Out of no where this man with a lever jacket and long hairy beard came running into the store, there was blood, screaming and horrific scenes. I fled away, expecting my mum to catch up with me, she was there one moment and gone the next, I stared back at her, she lay breathless on the floor, with a bullet to her head, I didn't know where to go. The guy came for me, he had captured this girl, he abused us both, his evil mind thought up a disturbing plan. He said the words in my pale, terrified face, "rape her or suffer the consequences," I was in shock, he striped me clean, strapped us to a bed together, I had no control of myself. It all happened so fast, a few days later I was found by the police and taken here, the girl and I." He finished with a breath, Olivia was speechless, she was hurt and felt his pain. "Who?" She asked curiously, "who do you think?" He looked down at the ground. "Katie!" She rightfully guessed, everything was silent for a minute.

"This is why she hates me, it wasn't my fault, she spread rumors about me and now everyone thinks I did it on purpose, I just want someone to believe me," Case sighed, sitting on his bed and looking at a photo of his mum, "I believe you." Olivia smiled and looked at him, his eyes show hope, "i'm guessing you love birds," she changed the subject. "Yes, i grew up with them, my mum bred all different species, when she died, i brought most of her birds here, the two scarlet macaws in the aviary with their babies, the cockatoo and all the birds in here," he explained, opening up the smaller room behind his, bird cages where lined up with birds flying around free ranging. "In here i have Yuki my Rainbow Lorikeet, Narla my African Grey , Simba my Sun Conure and Gizmo my Green Cheek Conure," he explained, all four birds flew onto him as he said their names. Olivia was impressed and admired them, "are they friendly?" she asked, not wanting to be bitten again, "um only with me," he murmured, "they wont hurt you unless you touch them though," he insisted. "sad," she sighed, "they could warm up to you, that's if your still here before then." He explained softly, "no one will want me once i have a chance, i just got here and i adopted more animals then anyone here could handle, in a day," she explained nervously. "I've been here for 5 years sadly," he frowned. "That's horrible, no family," she replied, "this is my family, an orphanage, at least i don't have a bad carer, usually you end up in some horrid place," his thoughtful mind lead him to wonder if this was true or just in movies. "This place is unusual," Olivia admitted, "very, you'll get used to it." He turned to the door with Narla and Yuki on his shoulder, "are you gonna get Jack?" she asked curiously. "Yea, but of course these two have to get off me," he laughed, targeting the perch in the bird room, he flicked them off his arm and they glided across to the perch, Olivia shut the door and followed him. "I'm gonna check on my animals, see you later," she decided and left him. She entered the new smelling room, Claire snoozed on her bed quietly, as soon as she noticed her presence, she lept up and greeted her. "Why are you so similar in personality with Lucky?" she thought, the small cat jumped in her arms as if she had seen a ghost, "you are Lucky 2.0" she smiled. The cat gleamed at her and shut her eyes as she sat down on her bed. In the corner the huge barred cage lay, the three sugar gliders comfortably did their thing. She watched with amazement as they jumped around and played, instinctively they hid in their pouches as she approached, "oh your a bit skittish," she sighed. It began to get dark, she walked down to the dinner table, everyone was waiting for her, she sat down quietly, everyone started to eat as she placed herself on the seat. "Well you took ages," Katie commented with a sigh, "oh sorry," she didn't feel like talking to her right now. She looked over at Case who watched them suspiciously, he gave her a nervous look. She rolled her eyes while biting into a homemade chicken burger. "How's life," she changed the subject quickly, finishing her burger in a short amount of time, "okay I guess," Case replied, finishing his meal and standing up, "I'm heading off to the park, gonna let my birds have some fresh air," he called, "coming Olivia?" He tried not to sound needy. "Sure, my puppies would love a first walk," she stated, shrugging and walking outside.

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