Ask Gaystripe

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Gaystripe: *saunters onto the stage, wearing a sparkly feather boa*

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Gaystripe: *saunters onto the stage, wearing a sparkly feather boa*

The audience's chatter dies down into quiet murmuring as he clears his throat and taps the microphone. The glass from an earlier lecture has been removed to be cleansed of paint.

Gaystripe: Greetings, toms, mollies, etc. Today there will be no lecture!

They begin to cheer, but he clears his throat again loudly.

Gaystripe: BUT, instead, we will do something even MORE fun than boring everyone with facts and stuff!

Several cats turn their heads and look around, as if someone other than Gaystripe was about to make an appearance.

Gaystripe: *tosses boa over his shoulder* Nope, just me. Now, I'm sure you all are dying to ask some of your own questions about the sexualities I've previously talked about...

Crickets chirp.

Gaystripe: SOO, I've decided to accept any questions that you have for two weeks. Then, when I come back, I'll pull out your letters and fan mail (aka comments) and answer them LIVE, here on stage!

A couple of cats clap. Someone violently coughs up a hairball and is escorted from the building. Gaystripe winces, but continues.

Gaystripe: I'd like to remind you to keep your mail appropriate for all ages, and that I will only allow one question per cat.

The audience yowls in disapproval, but Gaystripe is already exiting backstage to avoid being pelted with tomatoes.

Gaystripe: Hey, I just got this boa! *dodging tomatoes* Anyway, ask away, my friends! See you next time!

Written by Ren

Edited by Brook

Gaystripe's Guide to Sexualities!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя